
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Input data to WEO model - economic growth — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to WEO model - fuel prices — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to WEO model - technological developments — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to WEO model - fuel prices — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to WEO model - technological developments — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to WaterGAP model - lakes and reservoirs - output from digital map provided by Siebert and Döll (2001) — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to WaterGAP model - climate projections - output from HadCM3 model data — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to WaterGAP model - climate projections - output from ECHAM4/OPYC3 model data — 05 Jul 2010
Data centre on Climate
External Data Spec Input data to WaterGAP model - population distribution - output from CIESIN data — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to WaterGAP model - population growth - output from UNSTAT data, medium scenario — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to Water GAP - Installed capacity for generation of hydroelectricity in Europe 'other country' energy region - output from EIA data base — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to Water GAP - Installed capacity for generation of hydroelectricity in NORDEL energy region - output from NORDEL data base — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to Water GAP - Installed capacity for generation of hydroelectricity in UCTE and CENTREL energy regions - output from UCTE data base — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to Water GAP - Annual generation of hydroelectricity in Europe 'other country' energy region - output from EIA data base — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to Water GAP - Annual generation of hydroelectricity in NORDEL energy region - output from NORDEL data base — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Pascal source code Input data to Water GAP - Annual generation of hydroelectricity in UCTE and CENTREL energy regions - output from UCTE data base — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to Waste and Material Flows model - Households expenditure — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to Waste and Material Flows model - GDP — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to Waste and Material Flows model - Number of households — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input data to Waste and Material Flows model - Average household size — 05 Jul 2010


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