
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Input data to WaterGAP model - climate projections - output from ECHAM4/OPYC3 model data — 05 Jul 2010
Data centre on Climate
External Data Spec tar archive Input data to the PoleStar model from the JOBS model - ecomomic development, GDP, level of urbanisation, etc. — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output from WEO - Final energy consumption — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Octet Stream Output from PRIMES/IMAGE/AEA - emissions from land use - output from LUEM module of IMAGE — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output from FAO - fertilizer consumption — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec D source code Output from CAPSIM - arable land use change (Eurostat) — 05 Jul 2010
Output from CAPSIM
External Data Spec Output data from PRIMES/IMAGE/AEA - CO2 energy emissions and other related emissions - output from PRIMES model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output data from PRIMES/IMAGE/AEA - emissions of greenhouse gases and atmospheric pollutants - output from Energy-Industry Emission Module of IMAGE — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output data from INAGE 2.2. Scenarios - Energy-related and industrial emissions of greenhouse gases and atmospheric pollutants - output from TIMER Emissions Module — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Outlook - Municipal waste generation from PoleStar model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec nput data to IMAGE 2.2. Scenarios - economic growth - output from WorldScan Model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input to CAPSIM model - population growth - output ffom EUROSTAT population data — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input to CAPSIM model - household expenditure - output from EUROSTAT data base — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input to CAPSIM model - GDP growth - output from EUROSTAT data base — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input to CAPSIM model - forecest trends - output from IFPRI model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input to CAPSIM model - forecast trends - output from FAPRI model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input to CAPSIM model - forecast assumptions for baseline scenario - output from DG AGRI — 05 Jul 2010
Capsim model
External Data Spec Input to CAPSIM model - Euro/USD exchange rate - output from DG AGRI — 05 Jul 2010
CAPSIM model
External Data Spec Input to CAPSIM - forecast trends - output from FAO — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input for FAO model - fertilizer use by crop and fertilizer application rates - output from FAO/IFA/IFDC, 1999 — 05 Jul 2010


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