
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Ecoinnovation index — 27 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Generation of waste excluding major mineral wastes per GDP unit [CEI_PC032] — 23 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Generation of waste by waste category, hazardousness and NACE Rev. 2 activity — 23 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Annual detailed enterprise statistics for services (NACE Rev. 2 H-N and S95) — 23 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Private investments, jobs and gross value added related to circular economy sectors — 23 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Material flow accounts in raw material equivalents by final uses of products - modelling estimates — 23 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Octet Stream Main GDP aggregates per capita — 21 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at national level [DEMO_GIND] — 21 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Share of energy from renewable sources [NRG_IND_REN] — 21 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Troff document Consumption Footprint — 16 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Octet Stream Deforestation, EU27 in 1000 ha (No direct URL to dataset) — 13 Mar 2023
EU Member States’ greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory submission of 2021
External Data Spec object code EAO 2050 base scenario (No direct URL to dataset) — 08 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Full flight CO2 and Nox emissions — 07 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Effect on the impacts of EU food consumption of scenarios of substituting animal products (EU-27, 2021) (25% or 50%)(No direct URL to dataset) — 03 Mar 2023
External Data Spec EU28 citizens attitude towards autonomous vehicles — 01 Mar 2023
External Data Spec Octet Stream Forest area — 27 Feb 2023
External Data Spec Troff document Disturbance timeseries dataset — 27 Feb 2023
External Data Spec vCalendar interchange file Passenger mobility statistics — 24 Feb 2023
External Data Spec Teleworkability and the COVID-19 crisis: a new digital divide? — 24 Feb 2023
External Data Spec D source code Environmental footprints of dairy and plant-based milks — 23 Feb 2023


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