
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Aridity Actual — 04 Apr 2024
External Data Spec Air Quality e-Reporting: Air quality annual statistics calculated by the EEA — 02 Apr 2024
External Data Spec Economic losses and fatalities from weather- and climate-related events in Europe — 01 Apr 2024
External Data Spec Healthcare services — 01 Apr 2024
External Data Spec GEOSTAT 1 km² population grid 2011 — 01 Apr 2024
External Data Spec Eurostat census population grid 2021 — 01 Apr 2024
External Data Spec Ratio of native to alien tree species (1st indicator of the Urban Biodiversity Index), as calculated for the city of Amsterdam (direct link to dataset not available) — 27 Mar 2024
External Data Spec Troff document 10-year average temperature at 2m height, modelled by the UrbClim model within the framework of the Copernicus Health Service — 20 Mar 2024
Hooyberghs, H., Berckmans, J., Lauwaet, D., Lefebre, F. and De Ridder, K., 2019. Climate variables for cities in Europe from 2008 to 2017, version 1.0, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS), DOI: 10.24381/cds.c6459d3a.
External Data Spec chemical/x-isostar Mission on Adaptation signatories list (Dataset URL is not available) — 20 Mar 2024
External Data Spec Common bird indices by type of estimate (env_bio3__custom_10411408) — 15 Mar 2024
External Data Spec Estimated monthly mean NO₂ concentrations for Flanders, Belgium (direct link to dataset not available) — 14 Mar 2024
NO 2
External Data Spec Functional Urban Area (FUA) boundaries — 07 Mar 2024
External Data Spec Blue infrastructure share by functional urban areas (direct link to dataset not available) — 07 Mar 2024
External Data Spec text/texmacs Economic analysis of selected climate impacts — 05 Mar 2024
External Data Spec Natura 2000 (vector) - version 2021 revision 1,Oct. 2022 — 04 Mar 2024
External Data Spec Overskudd av klær fra klesbransjen i Norge (Surplus clothing from the clothing industry in Norway) — 29 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Voorlopig referentiebestand gemeentegrenzen, toestand 16/08/2022 (Provisional reference file of municipal boundaries, state 16/08/2022) — 29 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Modelled built-up area for Flanders, 2020-2050 scenarios (direct link to download not available) — 29 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Planned forest lots in Madrid's Metropolitan Forest (copyright-protected and direct link to the dataset is not available) — 27 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Overview of the planned interventions in the Harrestrup Brook Capacity Plan. Copenhagen, Denmark (direct link to dataset not available) — 27 Feb 2024


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