
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Potential emissions reduction from individual circular economy actions, by lifecycle stage, calculated through the year 2050 (Dataset URL is not available) — 04 Oct 2022
External Data Spec Percentage change in high-exposure (agriculture, forestry, mining and quarrying, and construction) labour supply due to temperature change in Europe (Dataset URL is not available) — 28 Sep 2022
External Data Spec Percentage compliance of samples from most commonly-consumed food groups in Europe against maximum pesticide residues — 27 Sep 2022
External Data Spec CO₂ concentrations in one classroom in the summer time assessed using CO₂ traffic lights (not direct link available) — 21 Sep 2022
External Data Spec Timetrend of data from the German Environmental Specimen Bank for PFOS and PFOA — 20 Sep 2022
External Data Spec Climatic suitability for the presence and seasonal activity of the 𝘈𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘴 mosquito for Europe derived from climate projections — 19 Sep 2022
External Data Spec Premature deaths in the EU per 100,000 population by age range for both air pollution and lead, 2019 — 19 Sep 2022
External Data Spec Heat waves and cold spells in Europe derived from climate projections — 19 Sep 2022
External Data Spec ETC/ATNI Report 17/2021: Wheat yield loss in 2019 in Europe due to ozone exposure (direct link to the datasets is not available) — 07 Sep 2022
External Data Spec Gross domestic product at market prices — 06 Sep 2022
External Data Spec Rail and waterborne-best for low-carbon motorised transport (direct link to the dataset is not available) — 30 Aug 2022
External Data Spec ICES Statistical Areas — 03 Aug 2022
The ICES Statistical Areas delineates the divisions and subdivisions of FAO Major Fishing area 27. A description of the area and its subareas, divisions and subdivisions follows: All waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and their dependent seas bounded by a line from the geographic North Pole along the meridian of 40°00' west longitude to the north coast of Greenland; thence in an easterly and southerly direction along the coast of Greenland to a point at 44°00' west longitude; thence due south to 59°00' north latitude; thence due east to 42°00' west longitude; thence due south to 36°00' north latitude; thence due east to a point on the coast of Spain (Punta Marroqui isthmus) at 5°36' west longitude; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction along the southwest coast of Spain, the coast of Portugal, the north-west and north coasts of Spain, and the coasts of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany to the western terminus of its boundary with Denmark; thence along the west coast of Jutland to Thyborøn; thence in a southerly and easterly direction along the south coast of the Limfjord to Egensekloster Point; thence in a southerly direction along the east coast of Jutland to the eastern terminus of the boundary of Denmark with Germany; thence along the coasts of Germany, Poland, Russian Federation, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russian Federation, Finland, Sweden, and Norway, and the north coast of the Russian Federation to Khaborova; thence across the western entry of the Strait of Yugorskiy Shar; thence in a westerly and northerly direction along the coast of Vaigach Island; thence, across the western entry of the Strait of the Karskiye Vorota; thence west and north along the coast of the south island of Novaya Zemlya; thence across the western entry of the Strait of Matochkin Shar; thence along the west coast of the north island of Novaya Zemlya to a point at 68°30' east longitude; thence due north to the geographic North Pole.
External Data Spec ICES Statistical Rectangles — 03 Aug 2022
Vector polygon representation of the ICES Statistical Rectangles. The ICES statistical Rectangles are used as bounding areas for the calculation of fish statistics, e.g. catch per unit effort (CPUE) and stock estimates,
External Data Spec Contaminants in biota from EMODnet Chemistry — 19 Jul 2022
EMODnet Chemistry Portal gives free and open access to measurement data, as delivered by the originators, for groups of chemical variables. Clicking on Chemicals by region you can visualise the Matrix indicating, per sea region and per chemicals group, how many measurement data have been gathered from tens of data providers in the EMODnet Chemistry network.
External Data Spec Contaminants in biota from ICES DOME (Marine Environment) — 19 Jul 2022
A large portion of the data held are monitoring data submitted for the OSPAR CEMP and HELCOM COMBINE monitoring programmes and therefore follow specific monitoring programme guidelines. While these programmes have key components which are monitored yearly at defined stations, components which are under development are also included. The result is a broad spectrum of chemical parameters from metals, PAHs, brominated flame retardants, TBT and TBT effects in sediment and biota, to histopathology, ocean acidification and benthos and plankton data. DOME also includes methods and quality assurance data such as the reporting of uncertainty on a single component basis to help in assessing comparable data.
External Data Spec Eionet core data flows 2021 (direct URL to the dataset is not available) — 21 Jun 2022
External Data Spec UN Geoscheme - Standard M49 — 20 Jun 2022
External Data Spec Gross Farm Income (SE410) — 20 Jun 2022
External Data Spec Consideration of vulnerable groups in local climate adaptation plans (dataset under embargo) — 13 Jun 2022
External Data Spec Daily mean temperature, E-OBS gridded dataset version 25.0e — 09 Jun 2022


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