
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Underwater noise — 22 Jan 2020
Input of impulsive anthropogenic sound was created by combining pulse-block-days (PBD) data from the ICES Registry (for HELCOM and OSPAR areas) and ACCOMBAS (for the Mediterranean Sea).
External Data Spec AIS based vessel density — 22 Jan 2020
The EMODnet 2017 vessel density dataset (all ships, average) was used as a proxy for input of continuous anthropogenic sound. The vessel density dataset was produced by EMODnet by calculating, with the help of AIS data, the number of hours per month that ships spent in each square kilometre in European seas.
External Data Spec Ozone-depleting substances 2019 — 10 Jan 2020
The Ozone Database of the European Environmental Agency (the data reported to the EEA is strictly confidential and the Ozone Database is not available to the public). Aggregated data reported by companies on the import, export, production, destruction and feedstock and process agent use of ozone-depleting substances in the European Union. All information provided to the European Commission and the EEA on transactions of ozone-depleting substances in the EU is treated as strictly confidential. The European Commission and the EEA have established procedures to ensure that all of the data relating to individual companies will be kept strictly confidential. No company-specific information is disclosed to the public; all company data are aggregated before publication. These procedures limit the release of data that might significantly rely on reports from less than three company groups. To this end, company groups that contribute to less than 5 % do not count toward the '3-company-rule'. Concerns regarding confidentiality can be addressed to the European Commission or to the entity designated by the European Commission.
External Data Spec Ozone-depleting substances 2018 — 10 Jan 2020
The Ozone Database of the European Environmental Agency (the data reported to the EEA is strictly confidential and the Ozone Database is not available to the public). Aggregated data reported by companies on the import, export, production, destruction and feedstock and process agent use of ozone-depleting substances in the European Union. All information provided to the European Commission and the EEA on transactions of ozone-depleting substances in the EU is treated as strictly confidential. The European Commission and the EEA have established procedures to ensure that all of the data relating to individual companies will be kept strictly confidential. No company-specific information is disclosed to the public; all company data are aggregated before publication. These procedures limit the release of data that might significantly rely on reports from less than three company groups. To this end, company groups that contribute to less than 5 % do not count toward the '3-company-rule'. Concerns regarding confidentiality can be addressed to the European Commission or to the entity designated by the European Commission.
External Data Spec Eurostat statistics on agriculture — 19 Dec 2019
External Data Spec Eurostat statistics on agriculture — 19 Dec 2019
External Data Spec Projections of extreme river discharges in Europe in view of climate change (Dataset URL is not available) — 16 Dec 2019
External Data Spec Projections of extreme river discharges in Europe in view of climate change (Dataset URL is not available) — 16 Dec 2019
External Data Spec United Nations Sustainable Development Goals — 16 Dec 2019
External Data Spec Observation-based gridded runoff estimates for Europe (E-RUN version 1.1) — 13 Dec 2019
This dataset employs a recently developed methodology to estimate monthly runoff rates on a regular spatial grid in Europe. For this we first assemble an unprecedented collection of river flow observations, combining information from three distinct data bases. Observed monthly runoff rates are first tested for homogeneity and then related to gridded atmospheric variables (E-OBS version 12) using machine learning. The resulting statistical model is then used to estimate monthly runoff rates (December 1950 - December 2015) on a 0.5° x 0.5° grid. The performance of the newly derived runoff estimates is assessed in terms of cross validation.
External Data Spec EU Environmental Targets and Objectives 2015-2050 — 13 Dec 2019
External Data Spec The world of organic agriculture statistics and Emerging Trends in 2016 (Dataset URL is not available) — 11 Dec 2019
External Data Spec D source code Energy Technology RD&D — 11 Dec 2019
External Data Spec Global EV Outlook 2018 — 11 Dec 2019
The Global EV Outlook is an annual report that identifies and discusses recent developments in electric mobility across the globe. Combining historical analysis with projections to 2030, the report examines key areas of interest such as electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment, ownership costs, energy use, CO2 emissions and battery materials demand.
External Data Spec Eco-Innovation performance index by European member countries — 11 Dec 2019
External Data Spec The Global Competitiveness Index 2015–2016 Rankings — 11 Dec 2019
External Data Spec Fuel efficiency and consumption by private cars — 11 Dec 2019
External Data Spec Troff document Employment in the environmental goods and services sector [ENV_AC_EGSS1__custom_3494147] — 11 Dec 2019
External Data Spec Employment and activity — 11 Dec 2019
External Data Spec GDP and main components (output, expenditure and income) — 11 Dec 2019


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