
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Regional transport statistics — 25 Sep 2018
Stock of vehicles by category and NUTS 2 regions [tran_r_vehst], vehicle: passenger cars
External Data Spec Statistical pocketbook 2018 — 25 Sep 2018
External Data Spec EGT SmartSense Increased energy efficiency: ensuring progress towards EU's climate and energy goals — 29 Aug 2018
Energy Efficiency - 2030 Targets -  agreed proposal for a revised directive on energy efficiency
External Data Spec Statistics on resource productivity — 24 Aug 2018
Table name: env_ac_rp
External Data Spec European air quality maps for 2015, ETC/ACM — 06 Aug 2018
The paper provides the annual update of the European air quality concentration maps and population exposure estimates for human health related indicators of pollutants PM10 (annual average, 36th highest daily average as 90.4 percentile), PM2.5 (annual average), ozone (26th highest daily max. 8-hr running average as 93.2 percentile, SOMO35) and NO2 (annual average), and vegetation related indicators (AOT40 for vegetation and for forests) for the year 2015. The report contains also an NOx annual average concentration map for 2015.  The paper summarises trends in exposure estimates for the period 2005-2015 on PM10 and ozone, and for the period 2007-2015 on PM2.5. The analysis is based on interpolation of annual statistics of the 2015 observational data reported by EEA Member countries and stored in the Air Quality e-reporting database.  The paper presents the mapping results including an uncertainty analysis of the interpolated maps, as well as the probabilities of exceeding relevant thresholds.  These maps, with their spatial exceedance and exposure estimates, are intended to be used for the assessment of European air quality by the EEA and its ETC/ACM, and for (interactive visual) public information purposes through the EEA website.
External Data Spec Integrating nitrogen fluxes (Dataset URL is not available) — 05 Jul 2018
Integrating nitrogen fluxes at the European scale
External Data Spec Production of environmental protection services of corporations as specialist producers by economic characteristics [env_ac_pepssp] — 03 Jul 2018
External Data Spec Production of environmental protection services of corporations other than specialist producers by economic characteristics and NACE Rev. 2 activity [env_ac_pepsnsp] — 03 Jul 2018
External Data Spec Production of environmental protection services of general government by economic characteristics [env_ac_pepsgg] — 03 Jul 2018
External Data Spec Troff document Gross nitrogen balance — 30 May 2018
Gross nutrient balance (aei_pr_gnb)
External Data Spec Common birds - population index — 17 May 2018
External Data Spec D source code Freshwater abstractions (OECD) — 15 May 2018
Million m 3
External Data Spec NATIONAL STATISTICAL OFFICES (Dataset URL is not available) — 26 Apr 2018
Quick links for National Statistical Offices.
External Data Spec OECD water database — 26 Apr 2018
External Data Spec Textile fibres, leather and substitutes — 26 Apr 2018
The databases within FAO cover a broad spectrum of topics related to food security and agriculture.
External Data Spec object code Sustainable development: two indices, two different views (Dataset URL is not available) — 23 Apr 2018
External Data Spec D source code National climate change vulnerability and risk assessments survey in Europe 2018 — 23 Mar 2018
EEA survey on the use of information about climate change impacts, vulnerability and/or risk for the development of national adaptation policy.
External Data Spec Projections on CO2 from HDVs and transport (Dataset URL is not available) — 21 Mar 2018
EU Reference Scenario 2016 Energy, transport and GHG emissions Trends to 2050
External Data Spec Motor vehicle registrations in the EU — 21 Mar 2018
External Data Spec New registrations in European Union and EFTA — 21 Mar 2018


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