
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec vCalendar interchange file Common Questionnaire for Inland Transport Statistics — 10 Nov 2017
The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat.
External Data Spec Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses, by type of motor energy — 10 Nov 2017
The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat.
External Data Spec Passenger cars, by type of motor energy — 10 Nov 2017
The data in this dataset comes from the Common Questionnaire for Transport Statistics, developed and surveyed in co-operation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and Eurostat.
External Data Spec Statistical pocketbook 2016 — 10 Nov 2017
External Data Spec Services Producer Price Inflation (SPPI) — 09 Nov 2017
Services Producer Price Inflation for selected services sectors, gross and net sector weights (2010) annual indices, quarterly indices and percentage changes.
External Data Spec Time series of gridded Sea Level Anomalies (SL_cci v2.0) — 08 Nov 2017
The ‘Sea Level’ is a multi-satellite merged product that consists in a database of different elements that can be referenced with the following DOI: 10.5270/esa-sea_level_cci-1993_2015-v_2.0-201612
External Data Spec Global mean sea level reconstruction (Uni Siegen) — 08 Nov 2017
This dataset is described in the following publications: Dangendorf et al. 2019: Persistent acceleration in global sea-level rise since the 1960s, doi:10.1038/s41558-019-0531-8
External Data Spec Octet Stream Harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) — 08 Nov 2017
External Data Spec chemical/x-pdb FAO Forest Resources Assessment — 03 Nov 2017
External Data Spec Primary Energy Consumption (t2020_33) — 17 Oct 2017
External Data Spec RES targets 2050 — 17 Oct 2017
External Data Spec D source code Public information on production and waste management (Dataset URL is not available) — 16 Oct 2017
External Data Spec Indicative trajectories for the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy, from national renewable energy action plans (NREAPs) — 12 Oct 2017
National action plans
External Data Spec Air quality data repository — 12 Oct 2017
External Data Spec Share of renewable energy in cross final energy consumption — 11 Oct 2017
External Data Spec Final energy consumption by sector — 11 Oct 2017
External Data Spec Data on taxation — 10 Oct 2017
Data on Taxation in the EU Detailed tables of data for the EU Member States (plus Iceland and Norway), including tax revenues, tax rates and tax wedges
External Data Spec text/texmacs Imperviousness 09-12_stats — 03 Oct 2017
External Data Spec D source code Imperviousness density 2009 -2012 aggregated to 10km grid cells — 03 Oct 2017
External Data Spec Octet Stream Catch statistics (GFCM) — 11 Sep 2017
GFCM (Mediterranean and Black Sea) catch statistics capture production 1970-2014


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