
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec European catchments and Rivers network system (Ecrins), functional elementary catchments (fec) - version 1, Jun. 2012 — 31 Jan 2024
External Data Spec Flash Eurobarometer 342: SME's, resource efficiency and green markets — 30 Jan 2024
External Data Spec Resource productivity (EU27) (env_ac_rp__custom_5424589) — 23 Jan 2024
External Data Spec D source code Patents related to recycling and secondary raw materials (CEI_CIE020__custom_6107747) — 23 Jan 2024
External Data Spec EU Ecolabel facts and figures — 22 Jan 2024
External Data Spec Material productivity (global) — 22 Jan 2024
External Data Spec GDP and main components (output, expenditure and income); Online code: nama_10_gdp__custom_9421432 — 22 Jan 2024
 Online code: nama_10_gdp__custom_9421432
External Data Spec Annual detailed enterprise statistics for services (NACE Rev. 2 H-N and S95); Online code: sbs_na_1a_se_r2__custom_7988343 — 22 Jan 2024
Online code:  sbs_na_1a_se_r2__custom_7988343
External Data Spec Pascal source code Resource productivity (env_ac_rp) — 19 Jan 2024
External Data Spec ETC HE Report 2023/7: Health Risk Assessment of Air Pollution: assessing the environmental burden of disease in Europe in 2021 — 19 Jan 2024
External Data Spec Treatment of waste by waste category, hazardousness and waste management operations (env_wastrt__custom_9286093) — 18 Jan 2024
External Data Spec GEOSTAT Census Population grid 2021 — 16 Jan 2024
External Data Spec Material flow accounts ( env_ac_mfa__custom_8837123) — 15 Jan 2024
External Data Spec CDP Full Cities Dataset 2022 — 11 Jan 2024
External Data Spec Covenant of Mayors Europe — 10 Jan 2024
External Data Spec Weighted impacts of EU consumption — 18 Dec 2023
External Data Spec Statistical pocketbook 2023, section 22 — 18 Dec 2023
External Data Spec Projections of the Timing of Decreasing Coastal Flood Protection — 12 Dec 2023
This data set contains projections of the timing of decreasing coastal flood protection (i.e., projections of the timing of frequency amplifications of estimated flood protection standards) associated with Hermans et al. (in revision), The Timing of Decreasing Coastal Flood Protection Due to Sea-Level Rise. It contains the output of extreme value analysis of high-frequency GESLA3 tide gauge observations (daily maxima, generalized Pareto distribution fits and return curves), total AR6 sea-level projections interpolated to GESLA3 tide gauge locations, and the required sea-level rise for and the timing of frequency amplifications relative to estimated coastal flood protection standards (FLOPROS) or to the historical centennial event. Results are included for both automatically selected extremes thresholds and for a constant threshold of 98.8% at all locations.
External Data Spec ETC HE Report 2023/7: Health Risk Assessment of Air Pollution: assessing the environmental burden of disease in Europe in 2021 (direct link to the datasets is not available) — 11 Dec 2023
This report presents the results of the environmental burden of disease (or health risk) assessment related to air pollution in 2021. The estimates include all-cause mortality and cause-specific mortality and morbidity health outcomes, with ten risk-outcome pairs considered for the cause-specific estimates. Cause-specific mortality and morbidity estimates are combined to allow assessing the overall impact on population health based on a common indicator, the disability-adjusted life year. Using estimates disaggregated by mortality and morbidity components allows for the identification of the related shares across European countries.
External Data Spec Circular material use rate (env_ac_cur__custom_8779696) — 07 Dec 2023


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