
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec C40 cities acting on adaptation — 22 Aug 2016
External Data Spec chemical/x-pdb Making Cities Resilient — 22 Aug 2016
External Data Spec Troff document Cities Committed to the Compact of Mayors — 22 Aug 2016
External Data Spec Mayors Adapt and Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy — 22 Aug 2016
External Data Spec Adverse weather conditions for European wheat production will become more frequent with climate change — 22 Aug 2016
External Data Spec Projected change in river floods with a return period of 100 years — 18 Aug 2016
External Data Spec C source code header Emerging Vibrio risk at high latitudes in response to ocean warming — 16 Aug 2016
External Data Spec European air quality maps of PM and ozone for 2013 and their uncertainty ETC/ACM — 09 Aug 2016
The paper provides the annual update of the European air quality concentration maps, probabilities of exceeding relevant thresholds and population exposure estimates for human health related indicators of pollutants PM10 (annual average, 36th highest daily average), PM2.5 (annual average) and ozone (26th highest daily max. 8-hr running average, SOMO35), and vegetation related indicators (AOT40 for crops and for forests for the year 2013. The exposure estimates are compared to the results of previous years 2005-2011. The analysis is based on interpolation of annual statistics of the 2013 observational data reported by EEA Member countries in 2014 and stored in the Air Quality e-reporting database. The paper presents the mapping results and includes an uncertainty analysis of the interpolated maps. These maps, with their spatial exceedance and exposure estimates, are intended to be used for the assessment of European air quality by the EEA and its ETC/ACM, and for (interactive visual) public information purposes through the EEA website.
External Data Spec Europeanisation of Spatial Planning in the Netherlands mapped out — 03 Aug 2016
One of the priorities of the Dutch EU presidency is the European Better Regulation Agenda. A particular cause for concern within this agenda is the fragmentation of EU policy. In this context, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency investigated the effects of fragmented EU policies on Dutch spatial planning. The publication ‘The Europeanisation of spatial planning in the Netherlands’ concludes that the national government should retain an active role in spatial planning to ensure policy coordination.
External Data Spec Ensemble projections of future streamflow droughts in Europe — 02 Aug 2016
External Data Spec JRC-MARS European Crop Calendar — 02 Aug 2016
This resource contains 3 PDF files. They report the crop calendars in the European Union (EU28) at national level for: winter wheat, (soft and durum), grainz maize and rice. The calendars are defined accordinng to three macro-phenological phases. 1) from planting to early vegetative stages. 2) from vegetative to reproductive stages. 3) from ripening to harvest stages. The data are coming from expert knowledge evaluation.
External Data Spec JRC-MARS European Crop Calendar — 02 Aug 2016
This resource contains 3 PDF files. They report the crop calendars in the European Union (EU28) at national level for: winter wheat, (soft and durum), grainz maize and rice. The calendars are defined accordinng to three macro-phenological phases. 1) from planting to early vegetative stages. 2) from vegetative to reproductive stages. 3) from ripening to harvest stages. The data are coming from expert knowledge evaluation.
External Data Spec Synthesis report on cross-sectoral analysis and case studies, including European vulnerability maps — 01 Aug 2016
Considers impacts from a cross-sectoral perspective, i) undertaking cross-sectoral analysis to link the sectoral pan-European analysis ii) focusing on particularly vulnerable areas in Europe, especially those that are subject to multiple impacts where cumulative effects may arise and iii) in relation to cross-cutting themes to address issues in an alternative way to the traditional sector analysis (e.g. water, cities and the built environment). D11.1. report
External Data Spec Evaluation of the impact of cohesion policy on the development of Polish cities — 28 Jul 2016
Evaluation of the impact of cohesion policy on the development of Polish cities (within the ex post evaluation of the NDP 2004-2006)  
External Data Spec chemical/x-pdb Support to transport and environment assessments Adaptation to Climate Change in the Transport Sector — 14 Jul 2016
External Data Spec chemical/x-pdb Historical northern hemisphere snow cover extent — 12 Jul 2016
External Data Spec Multi-hazard assessment in Europe under climate change (direct URL to the dataset is not available) — 12 Jul 2016
An Interdisciplinary, International Journal Devoted to the Description, Causes and Implications of Climatic Change.
External Data Spec Adapting to climate change in European forests – results of the MOTIVE project (dataset URL is not available) — 11 Jul 2016
External Data Spec European drought climatologies and trends based on a multi-indicator approach — 08 Jul 2016
External Data Spec Troff document Shares of environmental and labour taxes (ESTAT) — 08 Jul 2016
Shares of environmental and labour taxes in total tax revenues from taxes and social contributions (tsdgo410)


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