
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec application/x-troff-ms Alien species related information systems and information management (Dataset URL is not available) — 29 Feb 2016
REABIC is hosting web sites of the International Society of Limnology Working Group on Aquatic Invasive Species ( SIL WGAIS ), and the European Information and Research Network on Aquatic Invasive Species ( ERNAIS ).
External Data Spec Packaging waste by waste management operations and waste flow (env_waspac) — 29 Feb 2016
Eurostat, 2015. Waste database packaging waste.
External Data Spec PSMSL RLR annual mean — 25 Feb 2016
External Data Spec Absolute land rise from GPS and repeated leveling — 25 Feb 2016
External Data Spec Absolute land rise from GPS and repeated leveling — 25 Feb 2016
External Data Spec PostScript document Absolute land rise from GPS and repeated leveling — 25 Feb 2016
External Data Spec Storm surge statistic parameters — 25 Feb 2016
External Data Spec Climate indicators for Sea Ice — 12 Feb 2016
Time series of sea ice extent in the Arctic. Data available through the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS)
External Data Spec Energy balance sheets (2013-2015) — 10 Feb 2016
The current publication presents the simplified energy balance sheets for 2013 and time series of key elements of energy balances for the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2012 and 2013. Energy data are available for all Member States of the European Union as well as Iceland, Norway, Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. 
External Data Spec SHARES 2014 — 10 Feb 2016
Excel with data.
External Data Spec Imperviousness density 2009 aggregated to 10km grid cells — 08 Feb 2016
Shapefile showing using a 10km reference grid, the imperviousness density 2009 status layer. The dataset is derived from aggregating the original Imperviousness 2009 status layer, 100m spatial resolution, copyright by the Geoland2 project consortium.
External Data Spec D source code Imperviousness change 2006-2009 aggregated to country level — 08 Feb 2016
The data is derived from aggregating the original Imperviousness change 2006-2009, 100m dataset, copyright by the Geoland2 project consortium. The 100m 2006-2009 imperviousness change products (grid products) were aggregated to the standard 1km EEA reference grid, used in the LEAC CUBE, and summary figures for all EEA39 countries were derived.
External Data Spec Transport infrastructure investment and maintenance spending — 03 Feb 2016
External Data Spec Aggregated Imperviousness change information 10km grid — 03 Feb 2016
The data used for the European overview maps as part of the indicator publication, are based on the same original 100m Imperviousness change 2006-2009 product, aggregated first to 1km, then to 10km grid size for overview map production.
External Data Spec Share of energy from renewable sources — 29 Jan 2016
The use of renewable energy sources is seen as a key element in energy policy, reducing the dependence on fuel imported from non-EU countries, reducing emissions from fossil fuel sources, and decoupling energy costs from oil prices.  Directive 2009/28/EC  on promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources established accounting criteria for the 2020 targets on renewable energy sources.
External Data Spec Troff document Country pages of Climate-ADAPT — 28 Jan 2016
How is the European climate changing and what are the consequences for urban areas? There is scientific consensus, based on observations worldwide, that climate change is happening and will continue for centuries to come even if all greenhouse gas emissions (one of the main causes of climate change) would stop today.
External Data Spec D source code Questionnaire to NRCs transport and climate change adaptation in 2013 — 28 Jan 2016
Questionnaire to NRCs transport and climate change adaptation in 2013 (ETC/CCA, 2013, Support to transport and environment assessments. Adaptation to Climate Change in the Transport Sector,  ETC/CCA Technical Paper 03/2013, European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation.
External Data Spec application/x-troff-ms Key characteristics for forest ecosystems in the EEA region — 19 Jan 2016
External Data Spec Copert 4 — 15 Jan 2016
The popular, straightforward and simple to use emissions calculator. COPERT 4 is a software tool used world-wide to calculate air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from road transport. The development of COPERT is coordinated by the  European Environment Agency (EEA) , in the framework of the activities of the  European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation . The European Commission's  Joint Research Centre  manages the scientific development of the model. COPERT has been developed for official road transport emission inventory preparation in EEA  member countries . However, it is applicable to all relevant research, scientific and academic applications.
External Data Spec European Vehicle Market Statistics (2014) — 15 Jan 2016
Annual statistical portrait of technologies, fuel consumption, and GHG and pollutant emissions in Europe's passenger car, light commercial, and heavy-duty fleets.


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