
Local files

List of data files uploaded locally on this server by Eionet members
File PDF document Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2000 and inventory report 2002 – Submission to the UNFCCC secretariat — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex A - 1998 — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex A - 2000 — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive GB - National GHG Inventory — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex A - 1996 — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive NL - National GHG Inventory — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex A - 1992 — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex A - 1991 — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive LU - National GHG Inventory — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex A - 1999 — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex A - 1997 — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex A - 1993 — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive BE - National GHG Inventory — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive DE - National GHG Inventory — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex C (Zipped Excel sheet) — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex A - 1994 — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive PT - National GHG Inventory — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive GR - National GHG Inventory — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive SE - National GHG Inventory — 19 Dec 2008
File PDF document Annex C — 19 Dec 2008
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex A - 1995 — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive ES - National GHG Inventory — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive FI - National GHG Inventory — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive AT - National GHG Inventory — 19 Dec 2008
File ZIP archive Annex 1.5 CRF Tables — 02 Jun 2010
File ZIP archive Annex 1.4: CRF Table Summary 1A, Summary 2 and 8(a).zip — 02 Jun 2010
File ZIP archive Annex 1.13 EU SEF — 02 Jun 2010
File Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Annex 2.1 Key category analysis.xls — 02 Jun 2010
File ZIP archive Annex 2.2 CRF — 02 Jun 2010
File ZIP archive Annex 2.8 CRF Tables — 02 Jun 2010
File ZIP archive Annex 2.9 CRF Tables — 02 Jun 2010
File ZIP archive Annex 2.4: CRF Table Summary 1A, Summary 2 and 8(a).zip — 02 Jun 2010
File Biodiversity baseline flyer — 19 Oct 2010
File Side-event list RU — 07 Sep 2011
File Annex 2 to the TS — 01 Sep 2011
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_12.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_googlechartid_googlechartid_chart_1111.svg
File Microsoft Excel (Office 2010) Annex I_Key category analysis.xlsx — 29 May 2020
File ZIP archive Annex III - Methodological — 29 May 2020
File ZIP archive CRF tables — 29 May 2020
File ZIP archive CRF tables EU Kyoto — 29 May 2020
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_11.svg
File chemical/x-pdb Specific privacy statement — 22 Mar 2019
File Annex 1 to TS - Tender submission form — 01 Feb 2015
File x-conference/x-cooltalk Contract award notice — 06 Jul 2020
File Record of opening of submissions — 20 Jul 2020
File scalable SVG image chart_4.svg — 26 Nov 2014
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_12.svg — 13 Jan 2015
File scalable SVG image chart_3.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_2.svg
File Clarification No 4 — 12 Mar 2015
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_32.svg — 12 Mar 2015
File PDF document 5_ENDRM_AnnexDF4_8_Rev3.1.pdf — 02 Jul 2012
File PDF document 6_ENDRM_AnnexDF6_9_Rev2.0.pdf — 02 Jul 2012
File scalable SVG image chart_3.svg — 03 Feb 2015
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 02 Jun 2014
File Clarification No 2 — 02 Jun 2014
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_googlechartid_googlechartid_chart_1111.svg — 10 Sep 2014
File scalable SVG image chart_3.svg — 11 Sep 2014
File Annex 4 to TS - Financial identification form (EEA/SES/12/003) — 20 Dec 2012
File scalable SVG image chart_5.svg
File PDF document download.pdf
File OJ/TED Annual list of contractors (2011) — 11 Apr 2012
File scalable SVG image chart_4.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_41.svg
File EEA/IDM/CEI/15/008 - Clarification No 1 — 20 Jul 2015
File PDF document SOER_event_Czech_Republic_invitation.pdf — 30 Jul 2015
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 31 Jul 2015
File text/texmacs Record of opening of tenders - Extracts — 28 Feb 2017
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_googlechartid_chart_131.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_52.svg
File AUSTRIA_waste_prevention_2023 — 17 May 2023
File BULGARIA_waste_prevention_2023 — 17 May 2023
File FINLAND_waste_prevention_2023 — 17 May 2023
File GREECE_waste_prevention_2023 — 17 May 2023
File LATVIA_waste_prevention_2023 — 17 May 2023
File MALTA_waste_prevention_2023 — 17 May 2023
File NETHERLANDS_waste_prevention_2023 — 17 May 2023
File NORTH_MACEDONIA_waste_prevention_2023 — 17 May 2023
File PORTUGAL_waste_prevention_2023 — 17 May 2023
File SERBIA_waste_prevention_2023 — 17 May 2023
File SPAIN_waste_prevention_2023 — 17 May 2023
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 20 Aug 2014
File Clarification n. 1 — 18 Aug 2014
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 25 Aug 2014
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 26 Aug 2014
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 26 Aug 2014
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_61.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 01 Jun 2015
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 18 Feb 2015
File D source code Addendum to vacancy EEA/AD/2015/3 — 26 Mar 2015
File text/texmacs Record of opening of tenders - extracts — 11 Dec 2013
File scalable SVG image chart_2.svg


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