
Local files

List of data files uploaded locally on this server by Eionet members
File x-conference/x-cooltalk Contract award notice — 17 Jun 2020
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_4.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_chart_11.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File Troff document Why should we care about air pollution?
File D source code Wasting food
File C source code header Prof. Jacqueline McGlade on adapting to the impacts of climate change – speech for the ESPACE initiative — 02 Jul 2007
In her speech, Prof. Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA), stresses the importance of imbedding climate change into planning systems and processes. ESPACE (European Spatial Planning: Adapting to Climate Events) is a four-year European project promoting the importance of adapting the entire planning process to the impacts of climate change.
File EEA's 10th Anniversary — 24 Nov 2004
Width is 320 Duration is 458.431 Video Type is Flash FLV Height is 240
File Celebrating Europe and its environment – past successes, future challenges. Interview with EEA’s executive director Prof. Jacqueline McGlade — 23 Mar 2007
2007 marks the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. In this interview, EEA’s executive director Prof. Jacqueline McGlade looks back at the last 50 years of Europe’s environmental policy and reflects on the challenges that still lie ahead.
File Halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010 – Are we on target? — 11 Jun 2007
The European Union has set an objective to halt the loss of biodiversity by 2010. Europe is currently suffering from a steady loss of biodiversity, with profound consequences for the natural world and for human well-being. The main causes are changes in natural habitats and these, in turn, are due to intensive agricultural production systems, construction, quarrying, overexploitation of forests, oceans, rivers, lakes and soils, alien species invasions, pollution and — increasingly — global warming.
File EEA - Climate change issues — 10 Dec 2004
Width is 320 Duration is 517.34 Video Type is Flash FLV Height is 180
File “If I were President of Europe…” – just what would you do to help the environment? — 09 May 2007
Students from the Copenhagen International School answer to the question “If you were the President of Europe, what would you do to help decrease pollution and improve our environment?”. Increasing taxes on cars and using that money to invest in environmentally-friendly forms of transportation are the most cited policies a green President would implement.
File Octet Stream A general introduction to the EEA – Who we are — 16 Feb 2012
A short video on the role of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its mission. An agency of the European Union, EEA’s task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. It is a major information source for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy, and also the general public. Currently, the EEA has 32 member countries.
File EEA - Supporting the policy makers — 19 Sep 2006
Width is 320 Duration is 129.984 Video Type is Flash FLV Height is 240
File EEA - Organisation — 19 Sep 2006
Width is 320 Duration is 78.336 Video Type is Flash FLV Height is 240
File text/texmacs European Environment Agency – What we do — 19 Sep 2006
A short video describing the products of the European Environment Agency (EEA). These include 5-year state of the environment reports, thematic and technical reports, briefings, highlights and information services on the web, multimedia and interactive web-based products on education. Our services include expert advice to policy makers, conferences and visits, information systems, networks and communication services for the public.
File D source code EEA - The years ahead — 19 Sep 2006
Width is 320 Duration is 147.456 Video Type is Flash FLV Height is 240
File Troff document What are the environmental concerns of Europe’s future policy makers? — 25 Mar 2007
Curious as to how the future policy-makers and voters feel about Europe's environment, the EEA interviewed young Europeans at the first ever Youth Summit organised by the European Commission. The event was part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty. More environmental education, alternative sources of energy and stricter transportation laws are some of the proposals put forth by the youth.
File Scenery from the Greenlandic landscape — 26 Nov 2007
Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA), and three of her colleagues have chosen to be part of an extraordinary journey in East Greenland. They travel from their offices in Copenhagen to participate in a multisport race, where they challenge themselves through 250 kilometres of the Arctic wilderness. On their way they encounter the effects of climate change and its impact on the Arctic environment. The Inuit are among the first people to experience the effects of climate change. They are in the middle of an environmental challenge that will change many parts of their culture. What is happening to Inuit's today will happen to the rest of the world tomorrow. We will all need to adapt to climate change.
File cultur night 2008 — 27 Nov 2008
File D source code Cities, where the living is good? — 28 May 2009
Quality of life in cities and towns can mean many different things to people. Finding the right balance of a healthy environment and good social and economic provisions is a precondition. Participants of the 2008 Open Days (European Week of Regions and Cities) talk about how they see their cities and towns as a good place to live in.
File Climate change, adaptation is vital — 21 Jul 2009
Climate change is one of the biggest environmental, social and economic threats our planet currently faces. Profound changes are about to affect the mechanisms supporting life on earth, and their impact in the next few decades will be considerable.
File COP 15, the future decided now — 09 Nov 2009
The climate meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009 is a crucial step in a process dating back to 1992 and the UN's 'Earth Summit' in Rio de Janeiro. Called 'COP15' for short, it will be the most important global climate change meeting ever.
File Explore the NOISE — 26 Oct 2009
Noise affects a large number of Europeans, which perceive it as one of the major environmental problems. It can affect people in both physiological and psychological ways, interfering with basic activities such as sleep, rest, study and communication. The NOISE database establishes a system of source identification, noise mapping and population exposure assessments based upon noise indicators for Europe.
File D source code Bending the trend — 10 Dec 2009
On Tuesday 8 December, Antoine Le Menestrel performed a thrilling dramatic ascent of the facades of the EEA and the French Embassy at Kongens Nytorv, Copenhagen. The French climber and his company, Lézards Bleus, used the monumental architecture, music and light to draw the public's attention to the urgent need to tackle climate change.
File How does the emission trading scheme work? — 14 Jan 2010
Emission trading scheme? Cap and trade? What do these words mean? And how does it all contribute to reduced emissions of greenhouse gases? This animation shows how the scheme works.
File The electric car comes of age — 18 Jan 2010
The electric car is on the verge of breaking through, offering a realistic choice for innovative and clean mobility.
File One degree matters — 13 Dec 2009
'One degree matters' follows social and business leaders as they travel to Greenland and experience for themselves the dramatic effects of the melting of the ice cap and come to understand the planetary effects of climate change and the impacts these will have on society and the economy. The film brings to the screen the latest science from the Arctic and shows why a further rise in global temperature of one degree matters for the future of humankind.
File D source code Green economy, sustainable consumption and production and resource efficiency – what does that mean? — 23 May 2011
Concepts such as green economy, resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production are currently discussed as pathways to reduce environmental pressures in Europe and beyond. But what do these concepts mean? The European Environment Agency has interviewed some selected key stakeholders - from government, business, non-governmental organisations and academia - and asked them for their understanding of these concepts.
File If Water could speak — 24 May 2012
Here is Water. You have met before. In fact, you come across Water in everything you do. Your life would not exist without Water. But Water is not infinite and we are draining our supplies. We need to rethink the way we are using Water. Every drop counts
File scalable SVG image chart_2.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg
File scalable SVG image chart_1.svg — 17 Oct 2014
File Clarification n. 3 — 01 Oct 2014
File PDF document CV_Ireland_Brian_Carroll_Feb2022.pdf — 24 Feb 2022
File scalable SVG image chart_6.svg
File scalable SVG image googlechartid_googlechartid_chart_111.svg
File Extensible Markup Language (XML) remoteconfig.xml — 08 Mar 2007
File Extensible Markup Language (XML) searchconfig.xml — 08 Mar 2007
File Extensible Markup Language (XML) config.xml — 08 Mar 2007
File Shockwave Flash file AF_FC2_2_Pie.swf‎ — 08 Mar 2007
File GIF image eea-all-icon-part.gif
File GIF image eea-all-icon-summary.gif
File JPEG image pdf_small.jpg
File JPEG image html_small.jpg
File GIF image html_small.gif
File JPEG image icon_excel_small.jpg
File JPEG image icon_powerpoint_small.jpg
File GIF image icon_zip_small.gif
File Shockwave Flash file alges.swf
File JPEG image cake
File RealAudio broadcast G:\tie\JANSEN\temp\1new.rm
File JPEG image Image [Report frontpage]
File GIF image Printable page
File pspbrwse.jbf
File chemical/x-pdb Cooperation agreement between the Government of Greenland and the European Environment Agency — 26 Nov 2010
File Disease burdens and the risk of new pandemics — global megatrend 3
File Decreasing stocks of natural resources — global megatrend 8
File PDF document Clarification No 1.pdf — 02 Mar 2010
File PDF document Clarification No 2.pdf — 05 Mar 2010
File Contracts awarded by EEA in 2010 — 18 Mar 2011
File Tender specifications — 28 Mar 2011
File chemical/x-gaussian-log Annex 3 to TS Legal entity form — 28 Mar 2011
File x-conference/x-cooltalk Contract notice — 28 Mar 2011
File PDF document TS Annex 4 - Compulsory medical examinations: Pre-Recruitment.pdf — 08 Sep 2009
File x-conference/x-cooltalk Contract award notice — 24 Jan 2011
File European Environment Agency member countries — 22 May 2008
File PDF document Service_contract_Contract_notice_140620-2009_EN.pdf — 25 May 2009
File PDF document Clarification No 1 EEA-IEA-09-003.pdf — 11 Aug 2009
File PDF document Clarification No 2 EEA-IEA-09-003.pdf — 25 Aug 2009
File PDF document Clarification No 3 EEA-ACC-09-001.pdf — 26 Aug 2009
File PDF document EEA.OSE.10.007_Contract notice in OJ.pdf — 26 Jul 2010
File PDF document Invitation to tender.pdf — 16 Feb 2010
File PDF document Service_contract_Contract_notice.pdf — 29 Sep 2009
File PDF document TS Annex 1 - Declaration on Exclusion Criteria.pdf — 08 Sep 2009
File chemical/x-pdb TS Annex 3 B - Commission decision of 28 April 2004 introducing implementing provisions on absences as a result of sickness or accident — 08 Sep 2009
File Microsoft Word Document Annex 2 - Identification Sheet.doc — 08 Sep 2009
File PDF document Clarification No 9 EEA-ACC-09-001.pdf — 04 Sep 2009
File PDF document Service_contract_Call_for_expressions_of_interest_247515-2009_EN.pdf — 11 Sep 2009
File PDF document Clarification No 4 EEA-IEA-09-002 29 06 2009.pdf — 29 Jun 2009
File Microsoft Word Document Clarification No 8.doc — 30 Sep 2010
File x-conference/x-cooltalk Contract award notice — 28 Feb 2011
File PDF document CEI_EEA_NSV_09_003_Privacy statement.pdf — 16 Feb 2011
File Abbreviations, end notes and references — SOER synthesis — 22 Feb 2011
File PDF document Draft Service Contract.pdf — 25 May 2009
File PDF document Invitation to Tender.pdf — 25 May 2009
File PDF document Tender Specifications EEA-NSV-09-002.pdf — 25 May 2009
File PDF document TS Annex 1 - Declaration on Exclusion Criteria.pdf — 25 May 2009
File Microsoft Word Document TS Annex 2 - Identification Sheet.doc — 25 May 2009
File PDF document TS Annex 2 - Identification Sheet.pdf — 25 May 2009
File PDF document TS Annex 3a - Template CSA Spain.pdf — 25 May 2009
File PDF document TS Annex 3b - Template CSA Denmark.pdf — 25 May 2009
File Tender specifications — 25 Dec 2010
File Annex 4 to TS Security installations and Equipment at EEA – REVISED — 25 Dec 2010
File Invitation to tender — 28 Mar 2011
File chemical/x-gaussian-log Annex 3 to TS Legal entity form — 30 Mar 2011
File Annex 5 to TS Price quotation — 30 Mar 2011


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