
Data Visualization

Primary and final energy consumption in the European Union

Data Visualization Created 09 Oct 2023 Published 25 Oct 2023 Last modified 27 Mar 2024
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This figure shows final and primary energy consumption for the EU-27 from 2005 to 2022 and the EU targets for 2030. The 2030 target for primary energy consumption is not mandatory.

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Values for 2005-2021 have been compiled from Eurostat energy balances. Values for 2022 have been estimated by the EEA (Proxies).


Additional information:

Final energy consumption (FEC) represents the energy used by final consumers. Primary energy consumption (PEC) represents the total energy demand within a country.

Data sources

Complete energy balances (NRG_BAL_C), PEC (2020-2030) and FEC (2020-2030) provided by Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat)
EEA 2022 proxies on primary and final energy consumption provided by European Environment Agency (EEA)

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Filed under:
Filed under: energy, targets
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