
Data table via SPARQL

Bathing water data - national data

Data table via SPARQL Published 22 May 2014 Last modified 19 Apr 2016

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year count quality geo
"2000"^^<> "32"^^<> "Compliant to mandatory values / Good or Sufficient" "Belgium"
"2001"^^<> "26"^^<> "Compliant to mandatory values / Good or Sufficient" "Belgium"
"2002"^^<> "29"^^<> "Compliant to mandatory values / Good or Sufficient" "Belgium"
"2003"^^<> "32"^^<> "Compliant to mandatory values / Good or Sufficient" "Belgium"
"2004"^^<> "27"^^<> "Compliant to mandatory values / Good or Sufficient" "Belgium"
"2005"^^<> "30"^^<> "Compliant to mandatory values / Good or Sufficient" "Belgium"
"2006"^^<> "28"^^<> "Compliant to mandatory values / Good or Sufficient" "Belgium"
"2007"^^<> "18"^^<> "Compliant to mandatory values / Good or Sufficient" "Belgium"
"2008"^^<> "33"^^<> "Compliant to mandatory values / Good or Sufficient" "Belgium"
"2009"^^<> "31"^^<> "Compliant to guide values / Excellent" "Belgium"

Received 719 rows in 0.017 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <> 
PREFIX skos: <> 
PREFIX bwd: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdf-schema: <>
PREFIX measure: <>
PREFIX dimension: <> 
PREFIX compliance: <>

count(?obsvalue) as ?count
?country as ?geo

  GRAPH <> 
  ?station a bwd:Station .
  ?station bwd:seawater true .
  ?station bwd:inRegion ?region_code .
  ?region_code rdf-schema:label ?region .
  ?station bwd:province ?province_code .
  ?province_code rdf-schema:label ?province . 
  ?station bwd:country ?country_code .
  ?country_code rdf-schema:label ?country .
  ?obs dimension:timePeriod ?year .
  ?obs dimension:refArea ?station . 
  ?obs measure:obsValue ?obsvalue .
  ?obsvalue rdfs:label ?quality . 

  FILTER(?year >= 2000 && ?obsvalue != compliance:NF && ?obsvalue != compliance:NS)  

GROUP BY ?year ?quality ?country


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