
Data table via SPARQL

Industrial facilities causing the highest damage costs to health and the environment

Data table via SPARQL Published 06 Nov 2014 Last modified 29 Jan 2016

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rank country facility city activity_name low high
"1"^^<> "Bulgaria" "TETs Maritsa iztok 2 EAD" "Kovachevo" "Thermal power stations and other combustion installations" "7465"^^<> "23902"^^<>
"2"^^<> "Poland" "PGE Elektrownia Be\u0142chat\u00f3w S.A." "Rogowiec" "Thermal power stations and other combustion installations" "5997"^^<> "18702"^^<>
"3"^^<> "Romania" "Complexul Energetic Turceni" "Turceni" "Thermal power stations and other combustion installations" "4916"^^<> "14705"^^<>
"4"^^<> "Germany" "Vattenfall Europe Generation AG Kraftwerk J\u00e4nschwalde" "Peitz" "Thermal power stations and other combustion installations" "3498"^^<> "11597"^^<>
"5"^^<> "United Kingdom" "Drax Power Limited, Drax Power Ltd" "Selby" "Thermal power stations and other combustion installations" "3482"^^<> "11216"^^<>
"6"^^<> "Romania" "Complexul Energetic Rovinari" "Rovinari" "Thermal power stations and other combustion installations" "3198"^^<> "9609"^^<>
"7"^^<> "Poland" "PGE Elektrownia Tur\u00f3w S.A." "Bogatynia" "Thermal power stations and other combustion installations" "2797"^^<> "8552"^^<>
"8"^^<> "Poland" "Elektrownia \"KOZIENICE\" S.A." "\u015awier\u017ce G\u00f3rne" "Thermal power stations and other combustion installations" "2667"^^<> "8099"^^<>
"9"^^<> "Germany" "RWE Power AG Kraftwerk Niederau\u00dfem" "Bergheim" "Thermal power stations and other combustion installations" "2276"^^<> "8056"^^<>
"10"^^<> "United Kingdom" "Longannet Power Station" "Kincardine" "Thermal power stations and other combustion installations" "2226"^^<> "6834"^^<>

Received 14325 rows in 0.346 seconds.

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PREFIX tableFile: <>


  GRAPH <> 
      _:cost_industrial_facilities tableFile:rank ?rank .
      _:cost_industrial_facilities tableFile:facilityId ?facilityId .
      OPTIONAL { _:cost_industrial_facilities tableFile:facility ?facility } .
      OPTIONAL { _:cost_industrial_facilities tableFile:city ?city } .
      OPTIONAL { _:cost_industrial_facilities tableFile:country ?country } .
      OPTIONAL { _:cost_industrial_facilities tableFile:activity_code ?activity_code } .
      OPTIONAL { _:cost_industrial_facilities tableFile:activity_name ?activity_name } .
      OPTIONAL { _:cost_industrial_facilities tableFile:low ?low } .
      OPTIONAL { _:cost_industrial_facilities tableFile:high ?high } .
      OPTIONAL { _:cost_industrial_facilities tableFile:snap_code ?snap_code } .
      OPTIONAL { _:cost_industrial_facilities tableFile:snap_name ?snap_name } .
ORDER BY ?rank


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