
Data table via SPARQL

Number of countries reporting at different levels of the MSW management hierarchy

Data table via SPARQL Published 15 Aug 2014 Last modified 19 Apr 2016

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date RCY_TOT_25 INC_RCV_25 DSP_D_50 DSP_D_75
"1995"^^<> "11"^^<> "7"^^<> "15"^^<> "7"^^<>
"1996"^^<> "9"^^<> "7"^^<> "15"^^<> "8"^^<>
"1997"^^<> "10"^^<> "7"^^<> "12"^^<> "6"^^<>
"1998"^^<> "9"^^<> "7"^^<> "13"^^<> "8"^^<>
"1999"^^<> "10"^^<> "7"^^<> "16"^^<> "12"^^<>
"2000"^^<> "11"^^<> "7"^^<> "19"^^<> "14"^^<>
"2001"^^<> "11"^^<> "8"^^<> "16"^^<> "11"^^<>
"2002"^^<> "11"^^<> "8"^^<> "16"^^<> "10"^^<>
"2003"^^<> "12"^^<> "7"^^<> "18"^^<> "9"^^<>
"2004"^^<> "14"^^<> "9"^^<> "19"^^<> "8"^^<>

Received 18 rows in 0.004 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <> 
PREFIX skos: <> 
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX rdf-schema: <>
PREFIX unit: <>
PREFIX wst_oper: <>
PREFIX geo: <>

sum(?RCY_TOT_25) as ?RCY_TOT_25
sum(?INC_RCV_25) as ?INC_RCV_25
sum(?DSP_D_50) as ?DSP_D_50
sum(?DSP_D_75) as ?DSP_D_75
  bif:either(?RCY_TOT >= 25, 1, 0) as ?RCY_TOT_25
  bif:either(?INC_RCV >= 25, 1, 0) as ?INC_RCV_25
  bif:either(?DSP_D >= 50, 1, 0) as ?DSP_D_50
  bif:either(?DSP_D >= 75, 1, 0) as ?DSP_D_75
    year(?date) as ?date
    bif:either(?geo = geo:DE, 'Germany', ?ugeo) as ?ugeo
    round(sum(?RCY_M) / sum(?GEN)*100) as ?RCY_M
    round(sum(?RCY_OC) / sum(?GEN)*100) as ?RCY_OC
    round(sum(?INC_RCV) / sum(?GEN)*100) as ?INC_RCV
    round(sum(?DSP_D) / sum(?GEN)*100) as ?DSP_D
    round(( ( sum(?RCY_OC) / sum(?GEN) ) + ( sum(?RCY_M) / sum(?GEN) ) ) *100)  as ?RCY_TOT

    WHERE { 
      GRAPH <> 
      _:env_wasmun sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date . 
      #FILTER (year(?date) in (2012)) 
      #FILTER (year(?date) in (2001, 2010, 2012)) 
      _:env_wasmun sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:1000T . 
      _:env_wasmun sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo . 
        _:env_wasmun property:wst_oper wst_oper:GEN .
        _:env_wasmun sdmx-measure:obsValue ?GEN  .
      } UNION {
        _:env_wasmun property:wst_oper wst_oper:DSP_D .
        _:env_wasmun sdmx-measure:obsValue ?DSP_D .
      } UNION {
        _:env_wasmun property:wst_oper wst_oper:INC_RCV .
        _:env_wasmun sdmx-measure:obsValue ?INC_RCV .
      } UNION {
        _:env_wasmun property:wst_oper wst_oper:RCY_M .
        _:env_wasmun sdmx-measure:obsValue ?RCY_M .
      } UNION {
        _:env_wasmun property:wst_oper wst_oper:RCY_OC .
        _:env_wasmun sdmx-measure:obsValue ?RCY_OC .
     FILTER (?geo != geo:EU28 and ?geo != geo:EU27 and ?geo != geo:MK and ?geo != geo:RS and ?geo != geo:BA  and ?geo != geo:HR)
     ?geo rdf-schema:label ?ugeo .
ORDER BY ?date


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