
Data table via SPARQL

Percentage of irrigated areas applying different irrigation methods

Data table via SPARQL Published 03 Dec 2013 Last modified 20 Apr 2016

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country drop_irrigation sprinker_irrigation surface_irrigation total
"Germany" "20.77"^^<> "79.23"^^<> "0"^^<> "30620"^^<>
"Austria"@en "29.12"^^<> "56.76"^^<> "14.12"^^<> "6800"^^<>
"Belgium"@en "19.64"^^<> "65.71"^^<> "14.64"^^<> "5600"^^<>
"Bulgaria"@en "3.59"^^<> "2.69"^^<> "93.72"^^<> "179420"^^<>
"Switzerland"@en "15.4"^^<> "77.19"^^<> "7.41"^^<> "20780"^^<>
"Cyprus"@en "75.95"^^<> "4.35"^^<> "19.7"^^<> "63860"^^<>
"Czech Republic"@en "29.52"^^<> "58.1"^^<> "12.38"^^<> "2100"^^<>
"Denmark"@en "4.16"^^<> "95.84"^^<> "0"^^<> "11060"^^<>
"Estonia"@en "45.45"^^<> "54.55"^^<> "0"^^<> "440"^^<>
"Spain"@en "47.42"^^<> "14.95"^^<> "37.63"^^<> "860380"^^<>

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For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-unit: <>
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX u: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX irrig: <>
PREFIX indic_ef: <>

SELECT bif:either (?ugeo = 'DE', 'Germany', ?country) as ?country 
(round((sum(?drop_irrigation)/sum(?total))*10000))/100.0 as ?drop_irrigation 
(round((sum(?sprinker_irrigation)/sum(?total))*10000))/100.0 as ?sprinker_irrigation (round((sum(?surface_irrigation)/sum(?total))*10000))/100.0 as ?surface_irrigation 
sum(?total) as ?total 
  SELECT distinct
  sum(?drop_irrigation) as ?drop_irrigation
  sum(?surface_irrigation) as ?surface_irrigation
  sum(?sprinker_irrigation) as ?sprinker_irrigation
  (sum(?drop_irrigation)+sum(?surface_irrigation)+sum(?sprinker_irrigation)) as ?total
     GRAPH <>  { 
      _:ef_poirrig sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date FILTER (year(?date) = 2010)
        _:ef_poirrig property:indic_ef indic_ef:M_8_2_3_EQ_Y_HOLD .
        _:ef_poirrig sdmx-measure:obsValue ?drop_irrigation .
      } union {
        _:ef_poirrig property:indic_ef indic_ef:M_8_2_2_EQ_Y_HOLD .
        _:ef_poirrig sdmx-measure:obsValue ?sprinker_irrigation .
      } union {
        _:ef_poirrig property:indic_ef indic_ef:M_8_2_1_EQ_Y_HOLD .
        _:ef_poirrig sdmx-measure:obsValue ?surface_irrigation .
        _:ef_poirrig property:irrig irrig:TOTAL .
        _:ef_poirrig property:geo ?geo . 
    ?geo skos:prefLabel ?country .
    ?geo skos:notation ?ugeo . 
    ?eeageo owl:sameAs ?geo . 
    ?eeageo skos:inScheme <> . 
    ?memberOf skos:member ?eeageo . 
    ?memberOf skos:notation ?memberOfcode . FILTER (?memberOfcode IN ('EEA33'))
  GROUP BY ?geo ?ugeo ?country
}} GROUP BY ?country ?ugeo 
HAVING sum(?total) > 0
ORDER BY ?country


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