
Data table via SPARQL

UK - Greenhouse gas emissions,1990,2000,2012

Data table via SPARQL Published 03 Sep 2014 Last modified 19 Apr 2016

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country_name difference 1990 2000 2012 pop_1990 pop_2010 pop_2012 pc_1990 pc_2000 pc_2012 pc_difference
"United Kingdom" "-25.1"^^<> "775.0"^^<> "690.0"^^<> "581.0"^^<> "57157"^^<> "58785"^^<> "63495"^^<> "14"^^<> "12"^^<> "9"^^<> "-32.58"^^<>

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The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX clrtap_nec_unfccc: <>
PREFIX clrtap_nec_unfccc_geo: <>
PREFIX sector: <>
PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <> 
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX unit: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX sex: <>
PREFIX age: <>

'United Kingdom' as ?country_name
round(((sum(?end_year)/sum(?start_year))-1)*10000)/100.0 as ?difference

(round(sum(?start_year)/1000)) as ?1990
(round(sum(?mid_year)/1000)) as ?2000
(round(sum(?end_year)/1000)) as ?2012
(round(sum(?pop_start_year)/1000)) as ?pop_1990
(round(sum(?pop_mid_year)/1000)) as ?pop_2010
(round(sum(?pop_end_year)/1000)) as ?pop_2012

round(sum(?start_year)/sum(?pop_start_year)*1000) as ?pc_1990
round(sum(?mid_year)/sum(?pop_mid_year)*1000) as ?pc_2000
round(sum(?end_year)/sum(?pop_end_year)*1000) as ?pc_2012
round((((sum(?end_year)/sum(?pop_end_year))/(sum(?start_year)/sum(?pop_start_year)))-1)*10000)/100.0 as ?pc_difference

  GRAPH <> 
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:country_code ?geo . FILTER (?geo = <>) 
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:unit ?unit . FILTER (?unit = 'Gg CO2 equivalent')
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:pollutant_name ?pollutant_name . 
      FILTER (?pollutant_name = 'All greenhouse gases - (CO2 equivalent)') 
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code sector:NT_excl .
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:year ?year . FILTER (?year in ('1990'))
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?start_year .
      } UNION {
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:year ?year . FILTER (?year in ('2000'))
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?mid_year .
      } UNION {
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:year ?year . FILTER (?year in ('2012'))
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?end_year .
  } UNION {
  GRAPH <> 
      _:demo_pjan sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo2 . FILTER (?geo2 = <>) 
      _:demo_pjan sdmx-dimension:age age:TOTAL . 
      _:demo_pjan sdmx-dimension:sex sex:sex-T . 
        _:demo_pjan sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?year . FILTER (year(?year) = 1990)
        _:demo_pjan sdmx-measure:obsValue ?pop_start_year .
      } UNION {
        _:demo_pjan sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?year . FILTER (year(?year) = 2000)
        _:demo_pjan sdmx-measure:obsValue ?pop_mid_year .
      } UNION {
        _:demo_pjan sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?year . FILTER (year(?year) = 2012)
        _:demo_pjan sdmx-measure:obsValue ?pop_end_year .


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