
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Overview of the ICES divisions and statistical rectangles sampled

The map shows the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) rectangles covered by the Database Trawl Surveys (DATRAS) surveys over the period analysed (1967-2022).

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Temporal development of the number of species of each biogeographical affinity group (top) and of the ratio between Lusitanian and Boreal species with sea surface temperature (bottom) by marine region

The charts show: Top figures: the temporal development in the number of species of each biogeographical affinity group (Atlantic, Boreal, Lusitania and Unknown) by marine region (Greater North Sea, Baltic Sea, Celtic Seas and Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast). Bottom figures: the temporal development of the ratio between Lusitanian and Boreal species and sea surface temperature by marine region to investigate correlations.

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Temporal development of the ratio of the number of Lusitanian species to the number of Boreal species

The maps show the temporal development of the ratio between the number of warm-favouring (Lusitanian) fish species and the number of cool-favouring (Boreal) fish species by The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) statistical area in 8-year intervals from 1982 to 2022.

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Overview of the different surveys used for the specific ICES Sub-divisions

The table shows the Survey name, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) sub-division in which the survey is undertaken, the gear used in the survey, the initial start date of the survey and the quarter used for the assessments.

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Concentrations of CB118 relative to assessment criteria

The figure shows concentrations of CB188 relative to the assessment criteria BAC (Background Assessment Concentration) and EQS (Environmental Quality Standard as given in the Water Framework Directive). For instance, a point at '4x EQS' indicates a site where the observed concentration was four (4) times the EQS limit. The points have been spread in the x direction in order to avoid too much overlap.

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Percentage of reported monitoring sites with pesticides exceeding thresholds in surface waters, different sized rivers, lakes and groundwater in European countries, 2016-2021

The figure shows the percentage of monitoring sites with threshold exceedances of pesticides in surface waters, different sized rivers, lakes and groundwater in European countries. This was used to examine threshold exceedances according to Surface Waters; Rivers, small; Rivers, medium; Rivers, large; Lakes, and Groundwater.

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Percentage of reported monitoring sites with pesticides exceeding thresholds in a) surface  waters and b) groundwater in Europe, weighted by country area

The figures show the percentage of monitoring sites with exceedance of effect thresholds or quality standards, set by European or national regulatory standards, and weighted by country area to reduce the impact of uneven data reporting. For surface waters, EU environmental quality standards and (in the absence of those) national regulatory standards were used, reflecting the lowest ecotoxicologically-based effect threshold. Effect thresholds were identified for 116 out of 237 pesticides (49%). The exceedances included here refer to those 116 pesticides. For groundwater, the Groundwater Directive quality standard of 0.1µg/l was used to identify exceedance. Twelve non-relevant metabolites (nrM) were excluded from the assessment.

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Trends in oxygen concentrations in the near-bottom waters of the North-East Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea regions (1989-2021)

The maps show trends in annual 25-percentile of oxygen concentrations in near-bottom waters at stations with at least 6 years of observations in the period 1989-2021, and the number of trends for the North-East Atlantic and Baltic Sea, by three classes of DO concentrations: <4mg/l (including <2mg/l class); 4-6mg/l and >6mg/l. Only trends for time series ending after 2000 are included. The chart shows the number of time series with increasing trend/no trend/decreasing trend in the North-East Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea for grid cells with concentrations <4 mg/l, 4-6 mg/l and >6 mg/l group, for oxygen concentrations in the near-bottom layer during 1989-2021.

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Circular material use rate in the EU and breakdown by material group between 2010 and 2022

The black line indicates changes in the total circular material use rate for the EU over time, while the coloured lines show changes in the circular material use rates for the various material groups.

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Municipal waste landfill rates in Europe by country

Cluster columns chart shows development in landfill rate of municipal waste in European countries in 2010 and 2021. Data is presented in descending order according to 2021 data values. Line chart represents EU landfill target for 2035.

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Amounts and share of waste deposited in landfills, by type of waste category, EU-27

The figure combines two charts. The stacked chart shows the amounts and percentage of waste (excluding major mineral waste) deposited in landfills in the EU-27. The line chart shows amounts landfilled for major waste categories (household and similar waste, combustion waste, sorting residues and other waste).

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Landings and proportion of landings of commercial fish and shellfish for which stock assessments were conducted between 2019-2022, per marine region

The figure shows the proportion of commercial European fish landings assessed per regional sea distinguishing between assessed and non-assessed stocks. For the assessed stocks a distinction is made between (i) landings of stocks for which information is available to determine Good Environmental Status (GES) for Fishing mortality (F) and/or Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) and (ii) landings for stocks for which information is not available to determine GES for F and/or SSB.

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State of European commercial fish and shellfish stocks (for which stock assessments were conducted between 2019-2022), in relation to the Good Environmental Status criteria for fishing mortality and reproductive capacity per marine region

This figure shows the state of the assessed commercially exploited fish and shellfish stocks per European marine region, for which assessments were conducted in 2019-2022. Stocks for which adequate information is available to determine Good Environmental Status (GES) for fishing mortality (F) and/or reproductive capacity (spawning stock biomass (SSB)) are included (i.e. Z, total number of stocks; Y, total number of assessed stocks; and X, number of stocks for which adequate information is available to determine GES on the basis of these two criteria). A distinction is made between stocks: (1) in good status based on both fishing mortality and reproductive capacity; (2) in good status based on only one of the criteria - fishing mortality or reproductive capacity (either because one of the two criteria is not in good status or because there is only one available criteria, and it is in good status); and (3) not in good status based on both fishing mortality and reproductive capacity (may include cases where only one criteria is available and it is not in good status).

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State of assessed commercial fish and shellfish stocks in relation to the good environmental status criteria for fishing mortality and reproductive capacity in marine regions

This figure shows trends in the status of assessed commercially exploited fish and shellfish stocks between 1947 and 2021, expressed in two metrics-fishing mortality (F) and reproductive capacity (i.e. spawning stock biomass (SSB))-relative to their policy thresholds for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive's 'good environmental status' (GES) (i.e. FMSY and MSY Btrigger, respectively).

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Weighted impacts of EU consumption in a single score (million points), divided into consumption domains from 2010 to 2021

The graph shows the aggregated environmental impacts associated with each of the seven consumption domains, that are caused by EU consumption, regardless of where these impacts occur.

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Consumption footprints for EU countries in 2010 and 2021

The graph shows the level of aggregated environmental impacts associated with the consumption of each EU Member State, expressed in points per capita for the years 2010 and 2021, sorted from the country with the highest impacts to the country with the lowest impacts in 2021.

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