

Assessment of Good Environmental Status for MSFD Descriptor 8 Contaminants (UPBT substances), 2018

Figure Created 23 Nov 2022 Published 12 Dec 2022 Last modified 12 Dec 2022
1 min read
The map gives and overview of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Regions and Subregions that achieved a good environmental status (GES) for Descriptor 8, feature Contaminants (UPBT substances), resulting from the 2018 Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Art. 8 reporting exercise. The map is extracted from the "2018 reporting of MSFD Article 8 – assessment of good environmental status (GES) per country or marine region/subregion" dashboard, excluding the seabed only areas (marine areas extending over 200nm from the coastline)
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