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Figure Current and projected risk of vibriosis infections in the Baltic Sea region 1 KB 23 Dec 2016, 02:38 PM Published
Figure Projected change in river floods with a return period of 100 years 1 KB 28 Mar 2022, 08:09 AM Published
Figure Annual mean PM2.5 concentrations in 2014 1 KB 12 Dec 2016, 02:04 PM Published
Figure Current and projected state and trend of fire danger 1 KB 28 Mar 2022, 08:09 AM Published
Figure Probability of the occurrence of adverse agroclimatic conditions for wheat under baseline and projected climate 1 KB 08 May 2017, 04:18 PM Published
Figure Model-based estimate of past change in summer low flows 1 KB 26 Jul 2017, 04:37 PM Published
Figure text/texmacs Projected impacts of climate change on electricity production from different sources in four European regions 1 KB 09 Feb 2017, 03:32 PM Published
Figure Calanus ratio in the North Sea 1 KB 27 Feb 2017, 12:28 PM Published
Figure Projected changes in the frequency of adverse weather events relevant for transport across Europe 1 KB 09 Feb 2017, 04:09 PM Published
Figure C source code Macro Regions in Europe and Arctic 1 KB 03 Aug 2017, 10:31 AM Published
Figure Projected population change in European countries, 2015 to 2100 1 KB 23 Feb 2017, 09:52 AM Published
Figure Progress in meeting the 2020 Biodiversity Strategy Target 1 for species (Habitats Directive) and birds (Birds Directive): proportion of EU regional assessments that are favourable/secure or improving 1 KB 31 Oct 2017, 03:02 PM Published
Figure Progress in meeting the 2020 Biodiversity Strategy Target 1 for habitats (Habitats Directive): proportion of EU regional assessments that are favourable or improving 1 KB 31 Oct 2017, 02:48 PM Published
Figure Air quality standards under the Air Quality Directive, and WHO air quality guidelines 1 KB 12 Dec 2016, 10:14 AM Published
Figure Maximum historical depletion over the southern hemisphere (9 September 2000) and over the northern hemisphere (22 March 2011) 1 KB 17 Nov 2017, 02:42 PM Published
Figure Spatial development of landtake 1 KB 12 Dec 2017, 10:39 AM Published
Figure 90.4 percentile of PM10 daily mean concentrations observed at traffic stations, 2014 1 KB 29 Nov 2017, 09:03 AM Published
Figure Annual mean NO2 concentrations observed at traffic stations, 2014 1 KB 21 Nov 2017, 10:38 AM Published
Figure Participation of 650 European cities in European and global city initiatives related to adaptation 1 KB 21 Feb 2017, 03:33 PM Published
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