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Figure Exposure of urban population (frequency distribution of exposure classes) in EEA18 and accession countries to daily mean SO2 concentrations of more than 125 mg/m3 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Green urban areas within urban morphological zones (1990) 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Population with access to an improved water source (household connection, public standpipe, protected wells and springs) (selected countries, 1990 and 2004, %) 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Labour productivity, materials productivity, and energy productivity, EU-15, 1960-2002 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Greenness of vegetation in Europe 1 KB 09 Nov 2017, 04:15 PM Published
Figure C source code header Correlation of growth of freight transport vs GDP growth 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Current (2000) and projected (2100) forest coverage in Europe 1 KB 28 Mar 2022, 08:10 AM Published
Figure Species richness of mammals in Europe 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Habitats Directive Annex I targeted agricultural habitat types in Natura 2000 sites 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Accumulated excess of ozone concentration 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Production of ozone depleting substances (EECCA), 1989-2000 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Transport energy consumption by mode in AC-13 excluding air and oil pipelines 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Emissions by sector of ozone precursors 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Octet Stream Household expenditure per capita 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure chemical/x-pdb Monthly deviations of Arctic sea ice extent 1 KB 05 Feb 2018, 01:33 PM Published
Figure Estimated share of conventional, open loop, Euro I, Euro II and Euro III passenger cars, trucks, buses and coaches and two-wheelers in the EU in 1990 and 2002 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Exceedance of critical loads for eutrophication due to the deposition of nutrient nitrogen in 2020 under current legislation to reduce national emissions 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Greenhouse gas emissions per GDP of EU-25 Member States for 1990-2003 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:40 AM Published
Figure Share of population served with public wastewater treatment in Denmark 1970-2000, Netherlands 1970-1999, Spain 1975-2000, Estonia 1985-2000 and Poland 1990-2000 1 KB 22 Feb 2017, 02:43 PM Published
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