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Figure OpenDocument Spreadsheet Effect of the EU Emission Trading Scheme in 2010 according to three calculation methods 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure National coastal zones covered by Natura2000 sites (2005) 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Low-sulphur fuel use in the EU-15 (2003) 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Fertiliser consumption in 1997/1999 and projections for 2030 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure C source code header Carbon monoxide 2006. 8 hour mean limit value for the protection of human health 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure D source code Consumption and formation of dry semi-natural land and wetland 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Electricity Generation by fuel in EU 25 from 1995 to 2030 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) in children under five years 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Wind erosion in Europe, 1993 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Marginal external costs of passenger transport, minimum and maximum values per transport mode (Euro/vehicle km for aviation; Euro/10 vehicle km for other modes) 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Nitrate concentrations in groundwater 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Percentage changes in eutrophying nitrogen emissions 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Regional distribution of dominant farm types by specialisation and the trend 1990-2000 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Decline in mean trophic level of fisheries landings 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions from electricity generation, EU15 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Changes in EU-15 greenhouse gas emissions by sector and shares of sectors 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Net changes in pastures and mixed farmland in the 10 km coastal zone (1990-2000) 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Losses from urban water networks 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Stockholm, Sweden: green and red finger zoning plans 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
Figure Growth of built-up areas outside urban areas (1990-2000) 1 KB 29 Nov 2012, 11:35 AM Published
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