

Global (above) and European (below) annual average near-surface temperature anomalies relative to the pre-industrial period 1850-1900

Figure Created 10 Jun 2024 Published 27 Jun 2024 Last modified 27 Jun 2024
2 min read
Above chart: Global annual averages of near-surface temperature of land and ocean expressed as the anomaly relative to the pre-industrial period 1850-1900 according to the datasets used by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S): ERA5 (C3S/ECMWF), JRA-55 (JMA), GISTEMPv4 (NASA), HadCRUT5 (Met Office Hadley Centre), NOAAGlobalTempv6 (NOAA) and Berkeley Earth. Below chart: European annual averages of near-surface temperature expressed as the anomaly relative to the pre-industrial period 1850-1900 according to the datasets used by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S): ERA5 (C3S/ECMWF), JRA-55 (JMA), GISTEMPv4 (NASA), HadCRUT5 (Met Office Hadley Centre), NOAAGlobalTempv6 (NOAA) and Berkeley Earth.
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