

Industrial releases of pollutants to water and economic activity in the EU-27

Figure Created 18 Apr 2023 Published 21 Apr 2023 Last modified 31 May 2024
1 min read
This is an old version, kept for reference only.

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This page was archived on 31 May 2024 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/figures/industrial-releases-of-pollutants-to-5 was published)
The figure shows the trend of pollutant releases into water in the EU-27 from 2010 to 2021 by using 2010 releases values as reference. In addition, gross value added (GVA) from the industry sector is presented.

European data


Additional information

GVA, gross value added; TOC - total organic carbon, Total N - total nitrogen, Total P - total phosphorous, Cd - Cadmium, Hg - Mercury, Ni - Nichel, Pb - Lead. GVA is used as a proxy for the economic activity of industry in Europe, accounting for inflation, based on 2010 values.

Data correction and gap filling due to questionable data and lack in reporting:
Slovakia: 2017 data used to gap fill 2018-2021 for missing reporting
Lithuania and Malta: 2019 data used to gap fill 2020-2021 for missing reporting
Czechia: 2020 data used to gap fill 2021 for missing reporting
Italy TOC correction: 2015 TOC value corrected to harmonise with italian E-PRTR. 2021 TOC value corrected after check with italian reporter. The correct value will be officially corrected by Italy in future re-submission.


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage


Filed under:
Filed under: industry, pollution
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