

Percentage of reported monitoring sites with pesticides exceeding thresholds in a) surface  waters and b) groundwater in Europe, weighted by country area

Figure Created 13 Apr 2023 Published 03 May 2023 Last modified 03 May 2023
1 min read
The figures show the percentage of monitoring sites with exceedance of effect thresholds or quality standards, set by European or national regulatory standards, and weighted by country area to reduce the impact of uneven data reporting (2013-2020). For surface waters, EU environmental quality standards and (in the absence of those) national regulatory standards were used, reflecting the lowest ecotoxicologically-based effect threshold. Effect thresholds were identified for 120 out of 248 pesticides (48%). The exceedances included here refer to those 120 pesticides. For groundwater, the Groundwater Directive quality standard of 0.1µg/l was used to identify exceedance. Twelve non-relevant metabolites (nrM) were excluded from the assessment.
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