

Structure of CO2 emissions from thermal power plants in EU-27, 2009

Figure Created 31 Jan 2012 Published 30 Apr 2012 Last modified 29 Nov 2012
1 min read
How to read the figures: Left-top: % Share of fuel input (TJ) by type (liquid, solid, gaseous, biomass and other fuels) into 1A1a public electricity and heat production. Left-bottom: Implied emission factor for each fuel above (tCO2 / TJ), taken from EEA (2009) Right-top: Average efficiency of transformation in EU-27. Numerator = 101109 Output from district heating plants + 101121 Output from public thermal power stations Denominator = 101009 Input to district heating plants + 101021 Input to public thermal power stations Right-bottom: % Share of CO2 emissions by fuel type (liquid, solid, gaseous, biomass and other fuels into 1A1a public electricity and heat production)
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