

Landings of fish and shellfish per regional sea, and proportion of landings for which stock assessments are available

Figure Created 03 Jul 2018 Published 28 Nov 2018 Last modified 21 Jun 2019
1 min read
This figure shows landings of commercial fish and shellfish per regional sea, and the proportions of landings for which stock assessments were conducted in 2015. A distinction is made between the landings for (1) assessed stocks for which adequate information is available to determine good environmental status (GES) for fishing mortality (F) and/or reproductive capacity (spawning stock biomass (SSB)); (2) assessed stocks for which insufficient information is available to determine GES for F and/or SSB; and (3) unassessed stocks (for further information see EEA CSI032, 2018, Methodology section, on how this distinction is made, and European Commission Decision 2017/848/EU on criteria and methodological standards on GES of marine waters).
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