

Trends and projections of EU total GHG emissions, 1990–2030

Figure Created 17 Oct 2012 Published 23 Oct 2012 Last modified 22 Oct 2013
1 min read
PRIMES/GAINS projections recalibrated by EEA, based on 2010 GHG emissions. Member State projections do not include international aviation, while the PRIMES/GAINS scenarios do. 2025 and 2030 projections are based on information provided by 12 Member States. For other Member States, 2030 projections were gap filled using the 2020–2025 and 2020–2030 relative trends available from the Commission's scenarios based on the PRIMES and GAINS models. The gaps observed between the end of historic trends and the start of projected trends are due to the fact that the absolute projection data was not calibrated on the latest 2011 GHG proxy inventory data.
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