

Water pollutant releases changes from 2010 to 2021 for the EU Member States

Figure Created 20 Apr 2023 Published 21 Apr 2023 Last modified 31 May 2024
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This page was archived on 31 May 2024 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/figures/water-pollutant-releases-3 was published)
The table shows the top five emission reduction changes in pollutant releases into water in EU-27 Member States from 2010 to 2021.

European data


Additional information

TOC - total organic carbon, Total N - total nitrogen, Total P - total phosphorous, Cd - Cadmium, Hg - Mercury, Ni - Nichel, Pb - Lead. Croatia comparison is from 2014 because it was not an EU member state before.
Gap filling of non-reported data is not performed to avoid the production of anomalous percentage change between two given years. For this reason, Czechia, Lithuania, Malta, and Slovakia have been not considered.


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage


Filed under:
Filed under: industry, pollution
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