
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Fraction of REACH chemicals which are persistent and mobile, and found in surface water

Note: Logarithmic scale; PM: substances that are Persistent and Mobile.

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Total pollutant emissions to water and transfers to UWWTPs by industry for EEA-33 in 2007 to 2017 by pollutant group

Total pollutant emissions to water and transfers to UWWTPs by industry from 2007 to 2017 by pollutant group

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Sea surface temperature

Time series of annual average sea surface temperature (°C), referenced to the average temperature between 1993 and 2012, in the global ocean and in each of the European seas.

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Trends in total population by world region, 1950–2100

final demand: footprint of total final demand, including both in use impact or resource use and production impact or resource use water consumption footprint blue and green water consumption energy use footprint: energy carrier use land use footprint: arable land and permanent pasture material use footprint: use of primary raw materials

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Percentage of water bodies, not in good chemical status, with uPBT, per river basic district.

Surface water bodies failing to achieve good chemical status, by RBDs with uPBTs.

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Arable land and permanent crops gains and losses between 2000 and 2018

This map shows the loss and gain of arable land and permanent crops. Changes are monitored at 1 ha level whereas the map is aggregated in a 10 km2 grid.

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Percentage of water bodies, not in good chemical status, without uPBT, per river basic district.

Surface water bodies failing to achieve good chemical status, by RBDs without uPBTs.

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Summer/autumn oxygen concentrations in water column near the seafloor, 2013-2017

The map shows dissolved oxygen concentrations in the water column near the seafloor, observed in summer/autumn of the years 2013-2017. Purple: <2 mg/l; Light purple: 2-4 mg/l; Light green: 4-6 mg/l; Green: >6 mg/l

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Trends in summer/autumn oxygen concentrations in the water column near the seafloor

The map shows trends per station in dissolved oxygen concentrations in the water column near the seafloor, observed in summer/autumn of the years 1990-2017. Purple: significant decrease; green: significant increase; grey: no significant trend. Small symbols: ≤10 years of data; large symbols: >10 years of data.

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Nitrogen surplus and exceedances of critical nitrogen inputs to agricultural land in view of adverse impacts on water quality

The map shows the calculated nitrogen surplus (inputs minus crop removal) and exceedance of critical nitrogen inputs to agricultural land in view of adverse impacts on water

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Nature's nutrient cycle

Soil plays a crucial role in nature’s cycles, including the nutrient cycle, which involves how much soil organic matter — i.e. carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus — is taken up and stored in soil. Organic compounds, such as leaves and root tips, are broken down to simpler compounds by organisms living in soil before they can be used by plants. Some soil bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into mineral nitrogen, which is essential for plant growth. Fertilisers introduce nitrogen and phosphates to induce plant growth but not all amounts are taken up by plants. The excess can enter rivers and lakes and affect life in these water ecosystems.

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Land take and net land take

This interactive data viewer provides a set of dashboards giving an overview of the land take and net land take processes for Europe (EEA39 and EU28) derived from the CORINE land cover data series. Statistics are derived for every 6 years of the acquisition period, as well as for the entire period (2000-2018). The viewer facilitates the assessment of land take over a specific period as well as the land use drivers of the observed changes, which can be analyzed within user defined spatial units such as administrative regions, biogeographical regions or land cover classes.

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State of bathing waters

This map shows bathing water locations and their quality for the latest as well as previous bathing seasons. All symbols are coloured according to achieved quality status in the most recent season. Data are presented on two levels: country (less detailed scales) and bathing water (more detailed scales).

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Annual mean total nitrogen (NO2+NO3) concentrations observed in European seas, 2013-2017

The map shows the oxidised nitrogen concentrations in the upper 10 m of the water column, observed in the years 2013-2017.

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Trends in summer chlorophyll concentrations in European Seas, 1990-2017

The map shows trends per station in chlorophyll concentrations per station in the upper 10 m of the water column, as observed during summer in the years 1990-2017. Red: significant increase; Green: significant decrease; Grey: no significant trend. Small symbols: ≤10 years of data; Large symbols: >10 years of data.

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Mean chlorophyll-a (Chla) concentrations in European seas, 2013-2017

The map shows chlorophyll concentrations in the upper 10 m of the water column, observed in the summers of the years 2013-2017.

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