
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Trends in winter mean dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations in European seas

The map shows trends per station in dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations in the upper 10 m of the water column, observed in European Seas during winter time during the period 1990-2017.

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Trends in annual mean total nitrogen concentrations in European seas

The map shows trends per station in total nitrogen concentrations in the upper 10 m of the water column, observed during the years 1990-2017.

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Trends in winter mean orthophosphate concentrations in European seas

The map shows the trends per station in orthophosphate (PO4) concentrations in the upper 10 m of the water column, observed during winter of the years 1990-2017.

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Trends in annual mean total phosphorus concentrations in European Seas

The map shows trends per station in phosphorus concentrations in the upper 10 m of the water column, observed during winter in the years 1990-2017.

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Seasonal water exploitation index plus (WEI+), Ecrins functional river basin districts, 2015

Seasonal water exploitation index plus (WEI+), Ecrins functional river basin districts in winter (left) and summer (right) 2015.

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Assessment of the delivery of multiple ecosystem services in the corridors between Natura 2000 sites of Spain

The map indicates, from red to dark blue, the rating of corridors with an increasing number of ecosystem services (i.e. erosion control, crop pollination, water retention, and outdoor recreation) above the average ecosystem services delivery outside Natura 2000 areas at the national scale of Spain.

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Chemical risk estimates for European water bodies

The map displays the fraction of sites where the maximum chemical concentration exceeds the acute risk threshold (left) and the mean chemical concentration exceeds the chronic risk threshold (right) for any organism group. The color code in the map shows the level of chemical risk, from low chemical risk (green) to high chemical risk (red).

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Metal pollution in the Weser catchment from mining areas in the Harz Mountains

Water bodies have been classified under the Water Framework Directive. Blue areas are water bodies at good chemical status. Red streams are failing to achieve good chemical status. Grey areas are not classified for chemical status. The river and floodplain sediments have been contaminated with the waste and mine water over centuries. In the floodplains high lead and cadmium concentrations affect the agriculture at pasture and arable land along the river floodplains.

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EEA coastline for analysis

The EEA coastline dataset has been created for detailed analysis (e.g.:1/100000) for geographical Europe. The coastline is a hybrid product obtained from satellite imagery from two projects: EUHYDRO (Pan-European hydrographic and drainage database) and GSHHG (A Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Geography Database), as well as some manual amendments to meet requirements from EU Nature Directives, Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive. In 2015, several corrections were made in the Kalogeroi Islands and two other Greek little islets, as well as in the peninsula of Porkkala. In this revision from 2017, two big lagoons have been removed from Baltic region, because, according to HELCOM, are freshwater lagoons.

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Impact of mercury on European water quality

The data relate to the total number of water bodies in each country which have failed the WFD criteria for Hg.

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Water exploitation index plus (WEI+) for river basin districts (1990-2015)

This interactive map gives a European overview of water stress conditions. The information presented may deviate from that available in the EEA member countries and cooperating countries, particularly for those countries where data availability is insufficient in the WISE SoE - Water quantity database (WISE 3). Data on hydro-climatic variables were aggregated from a daily to a monthly scale. Water abstraction data were taken from WISE 3 (annual resolution at the national scale), although there are large gaps in the time series. Therefore, intensive gap filling was performed on water abstraction data and proxies were used to disaggregate the data from the national to the sub-basin scale. Information on water use was mainly modelled on the UWWTP capacities, the E-PRTR database and the Eurostat Population change dataset (online data code [demo_gind]) among others. See the methodology chapter for further explanation of gap filling, and spatial and temporal disaggregation, and the data uncertainties chapter for current data availability. This interactive map allows users to explore changes over time in water abstraction by source, water use by sector and water stress level at sub-basin or river basin scale. The WEI+ has been estimated as the quarterly average per river basin district for the years 1990-2015, as defined in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS). The ECRINS delineation of river basin districts differs slightly from that defined by Member States under the Water Framework Directive. The Ecrins delineation is used instead of the WFD because it contains geospatial information on Europe’s hydrographical systems with full topological information enabling flow estimation between upstream and downstream basins, as well as integration of economic data collected at NUTS or country level. In addition to using the WISE SoE - Water quantity database, comprehensive manual data collection was performed by accessing all open sources (Eurostat, OECD, FAO), including national statistical offices of the countries. This was done because of the temporal and spatial gaps in the data on water abstraction. Moreover, a large part of the stream flow data from LISFLOOD has also been substantially updated by the Directorate-General Joint Research Centre. Similarly, a comprehensive update with climatic parameters has been performed by the EEA based on the E-OBS dataset. Therefore, the time series of the WEI+ presented in the current version might be slightly different for some basins compared with the previous version.

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