
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Correlation of ecological footprint (2008) and the human development index (2012)

The Human Development Index is calculated using three components: education, life expectancy at birth and wealth. It is expressed as a value between 0 and 1, from less to most developed countries. The Ecological Footprint measures how much land and water area a population requires to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its waste. The world biocapacity is the global productive area available on Earth (it decreases as population grows).

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Patent registration trends for the top seven origins

The graph shows the total number of patent applications to the European Patent Office, aggregated for all countries of the world, for environment-related categories.

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Share of global environmental footprints caused by different household consumption categories

The graph shows the share of direct and indirect environmental pressures (footprints) caused by EU-27 household consumption expenditure on different household consumption categories. The household consumption categories are developed from the Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) single digit categories. COICOP one-digit includes12 broad categories of consumption. 3 pairs of COICOP categories (CP01& CP02; CP06 & CP10; CP07 & CP08) have been merged to give 9 categories in total. Shares are shown for 6 different environmental pressure types: GHGs, acidifying air pollutant emissions, tropospheric ozone precursors, material use, land and water.

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Urban morphological zones changes 1990-2000

Urban morphological zones (UMZ) are defined by Corine land cover classes considered to contribute to the urban tissue and function

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Urban morphological zones 1990

Urban morphological zones (UMZ) are defined by Corine land cover classes considered to contribute to the urban tissue and function

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Urban morphological zones 2006

Urban morphological zones (UMZ) are defined by Corine land cover classes considered to contribute to the urban tissue and function

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Urban morphological zones 2000

Urban morphological zones (UMZ) are defined by Corine land cover classes considered to contribute to the urban tissue and function

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Bathing water areas with abnormal situations caused by Central European floods

Map illustrate the bathing waters that were affected by the 2013 Central European flood (around 1 June) and sampling of bathing waters were not possible and the bathing.

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Bathing water areas with short term pollution events in 2013

The map illustrates bathing waters where there have been reported short term pollution events in 2013.

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