
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Contributions to global mean sea level budget

Global mean sea level budget (in mm per year) over different time intervals in the past from observations and from model-based contributions. Uncertainty intervals denote the 5 to 95% range. The modelled thermal expansion and glacier contributions are computed from the CMIP5 results. The land water contribution is due to anthropogenic intervention only, not including climate-related fluctuations. Further information is available in the source document.

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Progress by EU Member States in meeting the emission ceilings set in the EU NEC Directive

The NEC Directive covers four main air pollutants: sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) and ammonia (NH3). These pollutants can cause respiratory problems, contribute to the acidification of soil and surface water, and damage vegetation.

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Indicative map of combined environmental challenges related to land use

The map captures some of the complexity of the multiple demands on land resources, with urban sprawl, agricultural intensification and land abandonment exerting pressures on biodiversity and water resources.

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Changes in wastewater treatment in Northern European countries between 1980s and 2009

This figure illustrates the percentage population in Norhern European countries connected to a waste water collection and treatment systems (UWWTPs) over the period 1980 to 2009. In addition, a breakdown by treatment type is portrayed.

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Projected life cycle land use of fossil, nuclear and renewable electricity systems in 2030 (m2/GJel)

The graph illustrates that energy systems differ in the extent and complexity of their impacts by presenting the projected life cycle land use of fossil, nuclear and renewable electricity systems in 2030. To understand the implications of increased bioenergy production, it is important to recognise that the land used for energy cropping is a natural resource, comprising soil, minerals, water and biota. Where bioenergy involves energy cropping it often necessitates changes to land use, with significant implications for related systems as well Other renewable technologies do also use some land and so do fossil and nuclear systems but the area is comparatively small. Nevetheless these technologies have other limitations.

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