
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Trend in summer chlorophyll-a concentrations in coastal and open waters of the Baltic, Celtic and Mediterranean Seas and NE Atlantic, 1985-2010

This figure shows stationwise trends in chlorophyll-a concentrations in coastal and open waters of the Baltic, North East Atlantic (Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas, Bay of Biscay), and Mediterranean Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea) (% of stations showing statistically significant change, within the years 1985–2010). Numbers in parentheses indicates number of stations included in the analysis for each country. "Open sea" is the total of all off-shore stations (>20km) within a (sub)region.

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Type of waste water treatment in EU big cities (agglomerations of more than 150 000 p.e.) expressed as % of total generated load treated, situation on 31st December 2009/2010

The pie-chart summarizes the type of treatment applied in the wastewater treatment plants of 586 big cities/big dischargers (250,2 mil. p.e.) reported in 2011 by the Member States and Norway. In total 640 big cities and big dischargers was reported, however complete data on waste water pathways was available only for 586.

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Annual water stress for present conditions and projections for two scenarios

Left: present climate; middle: projection for 2050 based on Economy First scenario, median of general circulation models — regional climate models (GCM-RCM) combinations; right: projection for 2050 based on Sustainability Eventually scenario, median of GCM-RCM combinations. Yellow: low water stress (withdrawals-to-availability ratio: 0–0.2); orange: mild water stress (withdrawals-to-availability ratio: 0.2–0.4); red: severe water stress (withdrawals-to-availability ratio: > 0.4).

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Water scarcity and drought events in Europe during the last decade

The map shows the main drought events in Europe in 2002 - 2011

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Variability of the WEI+ at Morava river basin (Czech Republic)

WEI+ index calculated in monthly time step (calculated using parametr of returns in the denominator) for Morava river basin district shows the variability of the indicator during the year. The annual values of the indicator do not provide clear insight about the vulnerability of the area.

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The WEI at river basin and sub-catchment scale within the RBD eastern Sterea Ellada (GR07) (Greece)

WEI total (left), for surface water (middle) and groundwater resources (right) at river basin (top) and sub-catchment scale (bottom) within the Greek RBD eastern Sterea Ellada (GR07).

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Observed drought episodes in Europe (1971–2011)

A country is coloured with orange if drought episodes have occurred in that country during the reference decade, regardless of their temporal and spatial (local or nationwide) scale. No distinction between the severity, the frequency and the extent of the events is made.

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Occurrence of drought (left) and water scarcity (right) in RBMPs

Occurrence of Drought in EU RBDs, according to RBMP assessment plus MS information

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Relevant pressures for GWBs

Relative number of GWB where a pressure is significant (all classified GWBs and GWBs in poor quantitative status)

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Precipitation versus agricultural demand patterns

Monthly agricultural water demand (in%) of total versus monthly rainfall (in% of yearly total)

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Estimated soil erosion by water in Europe

Calculated by the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). While the overall patterns of erosion are generally sound, the validation of erosion data can be challenging. The data presented are currently being validated through comparisons with national datasets and expert judgement. In this sense, zooming in on a specific locality can give the impression of a situation that differs from reality. In addition, the model used in this exercise does not consider localised intense precipitation.

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Ocean heat content calculated based on observations made in the upper 700 m of the water column

Ocean heat content is defined as the integrated temperature change times the density of seawater, times specific heat capacity from the surface down to the deep ocean.

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Projected change in water availability for irrigation in the Mediterranean region

This figure shows the relative change in water availability for irrigation as projected under the A1B emission scenario by the HIRHAM (DMI) regional climate model for 2071-2100 relative to 1961-1990. Light yellow areas indicate no change in water availability.

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Rate of change of the meteorological water balance

This figure shows the rate of change of the ‘water balance’. The map provides an estimate increase (red in map) or decrease (blue in map) of the volume of water required from irrigation assuming that all other factors are unchanged and given that there is an irrigation demand.

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Projected changes in water-limited crop yield

This map provides an aggregated picture of expected changes in crop yields across Europe for the 2050s (compared with 1961–1990). The simulations by the ClimateCrop model are based on an ensemble of 12 GCMs under the A1B emission scenario. They include effects of changes in temperature, precipitation and CO2 concentration on crop yields of three main crops assuming current irrigated area.

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Projected changes in effective solar radiation from two climate models

The map shows the mean changes in effective solar radiation (MJ m-2), which is an indicator for water-limited crop productivity, for the period 2031–2050 compared with 1975–1994 for the RACMO (KNMI) and HadRCM3 (Hadley Centre.HC) projections under the A1B emission scenario.

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Simulated change in water-limited wheat production

The figure shows the simulated change in water-limited wheat production for 2030 compared with 2000 for the A1B emission scenario using a cold (ECHAM5) (left) and a warm (HADCM3) (right) climate change projection. The simulation was performed on a 25x25 km grid (assuming current area of wheat cropping) but the results are presented here at the NUTS-2 level.

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Global surface soil moisture content based on remote sensing data

SMOS provides a global image of surface soil moisture every three days; this map covers the period 8–15 June 2010. Yellow colours indicate drier soil surfaces; blue colours denote wetter conditions. SMOS can measure soil moisture levels to an accuracy of 4 % at a spatial resolution of 50 km — about the same as detecting a teaspoonful of water mixed into a handful of dry soil.

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Projected change in average annual and seasonal river flow

Projected change in mean annual and seasonal river flow between the climate change scenario (SRES A1B, 2071-2100) and the control period (1961-1990). Simulations with LISFLOOD based on an ensemble of 11 RCMs.

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