
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Observed change in duration of lake and river ice cover

Ice break-up dates and freezing dates of a) Danube River, at Budapest, 1876–2011 (5-year running average) and b) Lake Kallavesi, Finland, 1833–2011.

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Projected change in minimum river flow with return period of 20 years

Relative change in minimum river flow for a) 2020s, b) 2050s and c) 2080s compared to 1961-1990 for SRES A1B scenario.

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Projected change in river floods with a return period of 100 years

Projected change in the level of a 100-year maximum level of river discharge between the reference period 1961–1990 and the 2020s (left), 2050s (centre) and 2050s (right) based on an ensemble of 12 RCM simulations with LISFLOOD for the SRES A1B scenario.

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Trend in median total ammonium, total phosphorus and nitrate concentration of river water bodies, grouped by ecological status/potential class

Concentrations are expressed as a median of annual mean concentrations. Up to three-year gaps of missing values have been interpolated or extrapolated. Only complete series with no missing values after this interpolation/extrapolation are included. The number of time series/river stations is shown in parentheses. The trend for 1992 to 2010 for each of the ecological quality classes has been linearly extended to 2027 — or when the concentration level becomes negative.

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Percentage of transitional (a) and coastal (b) water bodies in poor and good chemical status, by count of water bodies

The graphs illustrate the chemical status of transitional and coastal water bodies as percentage of water bodies in poor and good chemical status, by count of water bodies.

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Chemical status of rivers and lakes

The graphs illustrate the chemical status of river and lake water bodies as percentage of water bodies in poor and good chemical status, by count of water bodies.

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Chemical status of groundwater bodies

The graphs illustrate the chemical status of groundwater, Percentage of groundwater bodies in poor and good status, by area.

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Ecological status or potential of lake water bodies in different Member States (a), and proportion of lake water bodies affected by diffuse pollution and hydromorphology pressures (b)

The graphs illustrate the ecological status of lake water bodies (a) and percentage of lake water bodies affected by diffuse pollution and hydromorphology pressures

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Ecological status or potential of classified river water bodies in different Member States (a), and proportion of river water bodies affected by diffuse pollution and hydromorphology pressures (b)

The graphs illustrate the ecological status of river water bodies (a) and percentage of river water bodies affected by diffuse pollution and hydromorphology pressures

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Percentage of natural, heavily modified, artificial and unknown status for river, lake, transitional and coastal water bodies

The graphs illustrate the designation of heavily and artificial water bodies

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