
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Trend in NO2 and NOX annual mean concentrations (2001–2010) per station type (top); percentage frequency distribution of estimated annual change of NO2 annual mean concentrations at urban stations and at traffic stations (bottom)

All stations in EU Member States, with at least 75 % data coverage for at least eight years were included in the analysis. Concentrations per station type are given in μg/m3. In the top two diagrams a geographical bias exists towards central Europe where there is a higher density of stations. In the percentage frequency distribution graphs, closed bars denote stations showing a statistically significant trend, open bars denote stations with a non-significant trend. Statistically significant trends (level of significance 0.1) are calculated by applying the Mann-Kendall test. The applied method is described in de Leeuw, 2012.

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Attainment situation for SO2, reference years 2010, 2005, 2001

The graphs are based on the 99.2 percentile of daily mean concentration values corresponding to the 4th highest daily mean; they present the range of concentrations at all station types (in μg/m3) officially reported by the EU Member States and how the concentrations relate to the limit value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data.

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Attainment situation for NO2, reference years 2010, 2005, 2001

The graphs are based on the annual mean concentration values; they present the range of concentrations at all station types (in μg/m3) officially reported by the EU Member States and how the concentrations relate to the limit value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data.

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Trend in annual mean of daily max 8 h-mean O3 concentrations (left) and trend in 93.2 percentile of daily 8 max h-mean O3 concentrations (right) (in μg/m3) for 2001–2010 per station type

All stations in EU Member States, with at least 75 % data coverage for at least eight years were included in the analysis. Concentrations per station type are given in μg/m3. In the diagrams a geographical bias exists towards central Europe where there is a higher density of stations. The 93.2 percentile of daily max 8-h mean values is directly related to the target value for O3, as 25 days per year are allowed to have exceedances of the target value threshold of 120 μg/m3.

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Attainment situation for O3, reference years 2010, 2005 and 2001

The graphs are based on the 93.2 percentile of maximum daily 8 hours mean concentration values corresponding to the 26th highest daily maximum of the running 8h-mean; they present the range of concentrations at all station types (in μg/m3) officially reported by the EU Member States and how the concentrations relate to the target value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data.

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Trend in PM10 (left graph, 2001–2010) and PM2.5 (right graph, 2005–2010) concentrations per station type

All stations in EU Member States, with at least 75 % data coverage for at least eight years (PM10) or six years (PM2.5), were included in the analysis. Concentrations per station type are given in μg/m3. In the diagrams a geographical bias exists towards central Europe where there is a higher density of stations.

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Attainment situation for PM2.5, reference years 2010, 2005, 2001

The graphs are based on the annual mean concentration values; they present the range of concentrations at all station types (in μg/m3) officially reported by the EU Member States and how the concentrations relate to the target value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data.

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NO2 mean and maximum values of annual averages for traffic and urban background stations

Station pairs from capital cities were preferred, but when not available the next largest city for which data was available was chosen

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PM10 mean and maximum values of annual averages for traffic and urban background stations

Station pairs from capital cities were preferred, but when not available the next largest city for which data was available was chosen

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Indexed trends in air quality

"Annual mean concentrations of air pollutants in urban areas" Indexed trend in annual mean urban air quality over the period 1997-2008 (reference year 1997). All urban and suburban background stations operational (that is at least reporting over 9 years with a yearly coverage of at least 274 days) during the period 1997-2008 are included. A general, Europe-wide averaged picture is shown, with a bias towards regions with high station density.

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Rural concentration map of the ozone indicator AOT40 for crops, 2006 and 2007

AOT40 for crops are vegatation exposure related indicators and are based on rural background station observation only

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BOD and total ammonium concentrations in the Western Balkan rivers, 2000–2006

BOD and total ammonium concentrations in the Western Balkan rivers, 2000–2006

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Anomalies in Northern Hemisphere average sea surface temperature from HadSST2

HadSST2 = Hadley Centre sea surface temperature data set

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TERM04 NO2 mean and maximum values of annual averages for traffic and urban background stations

Station pairs from capital cities were preferred, but when not available the next largest city for which data was available was chosen

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Soil polluting activities from localised sources as % total sites where (preliminary or main) site investigation has been completed

(a) Liechtenstein: 'others' only refer to accidents; minor accidents are not included

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Nitrate concentrations in rivers in western and northern Europe and in accession countries

Concentrations are the median of the annual average concentrations at each monitoring station

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Mean and maximum values of annual averages of NO2 for traffic and urban background stations

Station pairs from capital cities were preferred, but when not available the next largest city for which data were available was chosen

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TERM04 PM10 mean and maximum values of annual averages for traffic and urban background stations

Station pairs from capital cities were preferred, but when not available the next largest city for which data was available was chosen

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Average annual concentrations of NO2 and PM10 in urban areas

The bars represent the average annual concentration over monitoring stations along busy roads

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Annual average mean NO2 and PM10 concentrations at traffic monitoring stations

Bars represent average annual concentrations over a limited number of monitoring stations along busy roads in major European cities (Vienna, Prague, Paris, Berlin, Athens, Krakow, Bratislava, Stockholm and London NOX, and Prague, Copenhagen, Berlin, Reykjavik, Rome, Bratislava, Stockholm and London PM10), error bars represent the highest annual concentration measured at one single monitoring station

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