
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Emissions of mercury to water based on E-PRTR reporting of 2007 data

The map shows the emissions of mercury to water based on E-PRTR reporting of 2007 data

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Emissions of cadmium to water based on E-PRTR reporting of 2007 data

The map shows the emissions of cadmium to water based on E-PRTR reporting of 2007 data

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Annual average river nitrate concentration (mg/l NO3-N) in 2008, averaged by river basin district

This map shows the mean annual concentrations of Nitrate (NO3) as mg/L NO3-N measured at Eionet-Water River monitoring stations during 2008. All data are annual means. For most countries these are based on measurements over the whole year, whereas some countries have samples only from the growing season (due to ice cover in winter)

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Triazine pesticides found in groundwater on at least one sampling occasion between 2003 and 2007, at concentrations above 0.1 μg/l

This map shows - for those countries that have reported data to the EEA – which of the triazine group of pesticides have been found in recent years in groundwater, on at least one sampling occasion, at a concentration greater than 0.1 µg/L, the standard under both the Groundwater and Drinking Water Directives. The data does not reflect the frequency with which the threshold has been exceeded.

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Actual Turkish water use and projection for 2023

The graph illustrates the current Turkish water use by sector and projections of water use by sectors in 2023.

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Forecast of global water demand

A report by the 2030 Water Resource Group estimates the global demand for water in 2030 and compare it with projections of increasing water supply and reducing demand.

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Migrating fishes — river fragmentation by obstacles for year 1700 and 2005, salmon adult, downstream to upstream

Migrating fishes — river fragmentation by obstacles for year 1700 and 2005, salmon adult, downstream to upstream

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Occurrence of major floods in Europe

Occurrence of major floods in Europe (1998–2009)

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Water exploitation index (WEI).

Annual total water abstraction as a percentage of available long-term freshwater resources around 1990 (WEI-90) compared to latest year available (1998–2007) (WEI-Latest Year).

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Concentrations of nitrate and orthophosphate in rivers and total phosphorus in lakes in the period 1992–2007

Total number of stations in parenthesis. Concentrations are expressed as weighted means of annual mean concentrations for rivers and lakes. Only stations with time series of seven years or more are included.

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Coastal bathing water quality in the Western Balkans, 2005

Coastal bathing water quality in the Western Balkans, 2005

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BOD and total ammonium concentrations in the Western Balkan rivers, 2000–2006

BOD and total ammonium concentrations in the Western Balkan rivers, 2000–2006

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Water abstraction in Europe (EEA-31 without data for Iceland)

Water abstraction in Europe (EEA-31 without data for Iceland)

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Water Exploitation Index (WEI)

Better information will help us adapt The Water Exploitation Index (WEI) is a good example of the type of information needed to give an overview of the scale and location of the problems facing us

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Water abstraction in EU Candidate Countries

Water abstraction in EU Candidate Countries

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Share of population served with public wastewater treatment in Denmark 1970-2000, Netherlands 1970-1999, Spain 1975-2000, Estonia 1985-2000 and Poland 1990-2000

Share of population served with public wastewater treatment in Denmark 1970-2000, Netherlands 1970-1999, Spain 1975-2000, Estonia 1985-2000 and Poland 1990-2000

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Waste water treatment in regions of Europe

Only countries with data from all periods included, the number of countries in parentheses

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