
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Mean winter surface concentrations of nitrate and nitrite in the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Seas and the Northeast Atlantic, 2004

Mean winter surface concentrations of nitrate (combined nitrate and nitrite) in the Greater North Sea , the Celtic Seas and the Northeast Atlantic (1999-2004, Jan-Feb, 0-10 m)

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Water abstraction in different regions of Europe

Western central: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, UK

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Yearly average values of BENTIX and community diversity (H) along a pollution gradient in Izmir Bay at stations 1-15

Colours correspond to EQS classes as defined by BENTIX in accordance with WFD.

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Urban leakage in Spain, UK and Slovenia

Loss as percentage of total public water supply.

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The share of Trichoptera taxa sensitive to climate change in the European ecoregions

Trichoptera taxa are species with restricted distribution ('endemic species'), species inhabiting the crenal zone (springs), that cannot move further upstream, and species adapted to low water temperatures (cold stenothermy) in European ecoregions

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Oil spills from tankers

Large accidental oil spills from tankers

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Green Background index derived from the combination of CORILIS layers

The Green Background map is a modifiable map, both in terms of smoothing radii and minimum intensity

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Concentrations of hazardous substances in fish from the north-east Atlantic and Baltic regions

It should be noted that the lack of consistent or reliable data from the marine conventions or EEA counties inhibits adequate assessment of concentrations and trends of hazardous substances in European marine water

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Northward movement of zooplankton between 1958-2005

The northward movement of zoo-plankton spanning five decades

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Public investments for sewers and wastewater treatment in Euro per capita 1990-2002

Public investments for sewers and wastewater treatment in Euro per capita 1990-2002

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