
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Present concentration of nitrate in rivers in European countries, 2003

The number of river monitoring stations in each country is given in brackets

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Water abstraction in northern Europe

Water abstraction in northern Europe

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Public investments in WWTP (excl. sewer networks)

Prices in PPP-adjusted 1995-Euros

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Water use for irrigation

It has been assumed that the main use of water for agriculture is for irrigation

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Percentage of river stations per country with significant increasing, stable or decreasing BOD trend between 1992 and 2006

Number of river monitoring stations included in analysis noted in brackets

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Sectoral use of water in three regions of Europe

Notes: Western southern: France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain

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Annual soil erosion risk by water based on estimates of annual soil loss (aggregated results at NUTS2/3 level)

The map is based on The Pan-European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment (PESERA) model, which uses a process-based and spatially distributed model to estimate soil erosion risk by water across Europe

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Trends in nitrate concentrations in groundwater bodies (1980s to early 2000s) in European countries

Number of groundwater bodies for each country given in brackets following the country abbreviation

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Changes in seasonal precipitation and run-off according to different emission scenarios in CLM

Left: relative difference in water available for runoff

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