
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Sectoral use of water in the late 1990s

Southern accession countries (AC): Malta, Cyprus, Turkey

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Present concentration of phosphorus in lakes (total phosphorus) in European countries, 2003

The number of lake monitoring stations in each country is given in brackets

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Water temperatures in four selected European rivers and lakes in the 20th century

Annual average water temperature in River Rhine (1909-2006), River Danube (1901-1998), Lake Võrtsjärv (1947-2006), and average water temperature in August in Lake Saimaa, Finland (1924-2000).

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Water pricing and household water use in Denmark, 1990-2005 (left) and Estonia, 1992-2004 (right)

Trend in household water use in litres per capita per day and in water price.

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Trends in nitrate concentrations in lakes in European countries during the 1990s and 2000s

Number of lake stations for each country given in brackets

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Salt water intrusions into groundwater in Europe (1999)

Saltwater intrusion as a result of groundwater over-exploitation is a major concern in many aquifers throughout Europe

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Population with access to an improved water source (household connection, public standpipe, protected wells and springs) (selected countries, 1990 and 2004, %)

Percentage of the total population with access to an improved water source (household connection, public standpipe, protected wells and springs) in 1990 and 2004

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Nutrient discharges and waste water treatment in selected western European countries

Data from Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway (no nitrogen), Sweden.

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The threat of metal and pesticide contamination in drinking water

The threat of metal and pesticide contamination in drinking water

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WISE River basin districts (RBDs)

Top: The geographic area of some RBDs span more than one country (such as the Danube) and these are known as International RBDs

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Average annual runoff

Average annual runoff

12 Nov 2009

Notes: Map prepared at a 10 km x 10 km grid resolution, showing average run-off with some smoothing of local detail

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