
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Present concentration of phosphorus in rivers (orthophosphate) in European countries, 2003

The number of river monitoring stations in each country is given in brackets

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Trends in winter nitrate and phosphate concentrations, and N/P ratio in coastal waters of the North Atlantic, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the Mediterranean.

Trend analyses are based on time series 1985-2002 from each monitoring station having at least 3 years data in the period 1995-2002 and at least 5 years data in all

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Urban water use

Urban water use

12 Nov 2009

Urban water use per capita per year is based on the total population of a country rather than the population that is connected to the urban water supply

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Meteorological water balance in selected parts of Europe 1975-2007

Surplus means positive values of meteorological water balance.

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Urban demand as a proportion of average annual runoff

Note: Map based on long-term average annual run-off data (see map id=107, Annual average run-off in Europe) in conjunction with Eurostat GISCO Degree of Urbanisation data.

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Relative abundance of warm-water to cold-water flatfish species

Data are shown for four different seas and three sections of the North Sea, depending on mean annual SST

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Phosphorus concentrations in lakes (total phosphorus) between 1992 and 2003 in different regions of Europe

Number of monitoring stations in brackets Western Europe: Austria (2), Germany (5), Denmark (23), Ireland (1)

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Present concentration of nitrate in groundwater bodies in European countries

The number of groundwater monitoring bodies in each country is given in brackets

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Domestic water use price: average increases in selected European countries

Average household combined sewage and water bills, except for Germany and Luxembourg where data are only to public water supply

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