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Urban waste water treatment in cities in the EU

Numbers of cities next to parts of pie

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Household water use

Household water use

12 Nov 2009

Household water use is generally calculated from the estimated or measured total public water supply and can either include or exclude leakage losses in the distribution system

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Sectoral use of water in regions of Europe

AC (Northern): Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia

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Water exploitation index (WEI) in the late 1990s

Solid bar: Water exploitation index without water abstraction for energy cooling; dotted bar: WEI based on total water abstraction.

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Urban water use

Urban water use

12 Nov 2009

Urban water use per capita per year is based on the total population of a country rather than the population that is connected to the urban water supply

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BOD5 concentrations in rivers between 2001 and 2006 in European countries

Number of river monitoring stations included in analysis noted in brackets

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Number of days with water temperature higher than 23 oC in the river Rhine (Lobith, the Netherlands) 1909-2003

Number of days with water temperature higher than 23 oC in the river Rhine (Lobith, the Netherlands) 1909-2003

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Population exposed to droughts in Europe (1980-2000)

Population exposed to droughts in Europe (1980-2000)

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Case studies in water-sensitive regions of the Alps

Case studies in water-sensitive regions of the Alps

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