
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Vegetation sensitivity

This index is one of the components of the sensitivity to desertification index

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Figure 1: Direct and riverine inputs of selected metals and organic substances in the north-east Atlantic Ocean.

It should be noted that the lack of consistent or reliable data from the marine conventions or EEA counties inhibits adequate assessment of concentrations and trends of hazardous substances in European marine water

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Distribution of Q90

Distribution of Q90

12 Nov 2009

Note: Map prepared at a 10 km x 10 km grid resolution

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Urban water use

Urban water use

12 Nov 2009

Urban water use per capita per year is based on the total population of a country rather than the population that is connected to the urban water supply

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Continuity of supply (hours per day)

Hours per day that urban population in the EECCA countries receive piped water

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Corine land cover 1990 (CLC1990) and Corine land cover changes 1975-1990 in a 10 km zone around the coast of Europe

Data contained in this layer are twofold: - Corine land cover data 1990 provided in vector format (polygons) and at scale 1:100,000

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Estimated potential loss of water-holding capacity in FUAs caused by sealing in the EU-27 and the UK region during 2012-2018

The map visualizes water holding capacity loss due to the estimated soil sealing increase during 2012 and 2018 in FUAs. Although the figure presents EU27+UK values only, data is available for the EEA-38 region and the UK.

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Diffuse pollution from agriculture causing poor chemical status in groundwater bodies in the EU-27

The map illustrates groundwater bodies of poor chemical status, affected significantly by diffuse source pollution from agriculture in the EU-27, as reported in national 2016 RBMPs.

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Aridity index: baseline situation and projections under RCP 8.5 scenario

The map shows the baseline situation and projections of annual aridity index under RCP 8.5 scenario. This Index is based on daily precipitation and evapotranspiration and E-HYPE model median ensemble is presented. A higher value indicates reduced soil water availability.

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Percentage of seasons with water stress

The map shows the percentage of seasons for which water stress (WEI+ values exceeding 40) were recorded.

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Waste water treatment plants equipped with disinfection, 2018

The map shows the urban waste water treatment plants treating more than 2000 population equivalent equipped with different types of disinfection in Europe. The map is based on country reporting under Urban waste water treatment directive (271/91/EEC) in 2020 (reference year 2018).

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