
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Environmentally-compatible agricultural bioenergy potential for selected EU Member States

Figures for France and Germany based on HEKTOR calculations, all other on CAPSIM.

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Relative abundance of warm-water to cold-water flatfish species

Data are shown for four different seas and three sections of the North Sea, depending on mean annual SST

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Spread of the cyanide spill from Baia Mare

Cyanide concentration values

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Agriculture - Environmental pressures (2020/2001)

Agriculture - Environmental pressures (2020/2001)

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GDP projections, 2005 to 2030

GDP=Gross Domestic Product

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External costs of electricity production, 1990 and 2005 — low and high estimates

Data for Malta, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania is not available

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Phosphorus concentrations in lakes (total phosphorus) between 1992 and 2003 in different regions of Europe

Number of monitoring stations in brackets Western Europe: Austria (2), Germany (5), Denmark (23), Ireland (1)

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LCA GHG emissions of various energy systems (2000)

For solar electricity, a concentrating solarthermal power generation system with parabolic trough, a solar tower plant with a concentrating mirror field and a parabolic solar 'dish' mirror with a Stirling engine

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Ecosystem damage areas by air pollution, EU18

Area with the exceedance of fifth percentile critical loads

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