
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Deviations of winter and summer sea surface temperature in the North Sea

Deviations of winter and summer sea surface temperature in the North Sea

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Trends in annual (left) and winter (right) temperature in Europe for the period 1946-1999.

Positive values indicate increase and negative values indicate decrease of annaul and winter temperature in degrees Celsius

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Projected change in summer precipitation in Europe up to 2080

Note: Summer precipitation change (%)

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Sites of major technological accidents (1998-2002)

Sites of major technological accidents (1998-2002)

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Changes of the mean annual river discharges over the twentieth century

Note: The observed time periods differ between stations.

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Exceedances of the ozone concentration threshold value for vegetation, 1995

Note: number of days the 65 μg/m3, 24 hour threshold value was exceeded, observed at background stations in whole year 1995.

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Nitrate vulnerable zones, EU

Note: the Commission assessment is based on a (non-exhaustive) review on available information on waters with excessive nitrate concentrations threatened with eutrophication.

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Emissions of ozone precursors, EU15

The targets for 2010 are the Gothenburg Protocol target (December 1999) and the more recent National Emission Ceilings Directive (NECD) Common Position targets (June 2000) for non-methane volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides

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Average specific CO2 emissions of new passenger cars per fuel type and targets

This graph shows past (1990-2004) and projected (2010) emissions due to transport, and compares them with transport volumes (passenger transport by car and freight transport by road).

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Growth in CO2 emissions by transport (1990-1998)

Luxembourg not included due to data inconsistencies

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Measured accumulated exposure to ozone (AOT40)

Note: daylight hours in May, June and July 1995.

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Population trends between 1991 and 2001 in the European coastal regions

Population trends between 1991 and 2001 showing the results by NUTS3 using 4 different classes where to decrease or increase the population.

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Mean of daily summer maximum concentration of ozone

The model indicates a clear gradient over Europe: summertime concentrations ranging from 60 mg/m3 in the northern part to more than 100 mg/m3 in the central part and in the Mediterranean region (1 ppb O3 >> 2 mg/m3).

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Change in total acidifying substance emissions since 1990 compared with the 2010 targets, EU15

The targets for 2010 are the Gothenburg Protocol target (December 1999) and the more recent NECD Common Position targets (June 2000) for the EU and countries for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and ammonia

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