
Global search on data, maps and indicators

The transfers of land between pasture and arable cover types across Europe: net conversion from pasture to arable land and permanent crops, 24 countries, 1990-2000, ha per year

This maps shows the deviation from average of the conversion between pasture and arable land (1990-2000), represented by NUTSX (NUTS3, NUTS2 mainly, NUTS0 in a few cases)

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Decoupling in the household sectors 2000-2020

(percentage change to 2020)

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CO2 reductions in EU-15 for electricity and heat production, 1990-2002

Emissions data for Luxembourg is not available and so this country is not included in the calculation for the European Union

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Ozone SOMO35, 2004

Ozone SOMO35, 2004

12 Nov 2009

Combined rural and urban concentration map of the ozone SOMO35, 2004.

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Share of electricity production by fuel, EU-25

Electricity produced from pumping in hydro power plants is not considered a renewable source of energy and it is not shown in the chart.

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Percentage change in end user energy taxes between 1991 and 2004 or 2005

Tax changes are between 1991 and 2004 for gasoline and diesel and between 1991 and 2005 for electricity and gas

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Average annual precipitation

Average annual precipitation in the EEA area

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Final energy consumption by sector, EEA

EU15 Member States and Norway only

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Freight transport

Freight transport

12 Nov 2009

Average external costs of transport in 1995 by transport mode and cost category (excluding congestion costs and uncovered parking costs)

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Petrol and diesel fuel prices in Europe by region

The red line is the raw cost price for fuel (USD 0.27)

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Change in greenhouse gas emissions in Europe between the base years and 2005, compared to Kyoto targets for 2008-2012

The EU-27, Cyprus and Malta have no target under the Kyoto Protocol, and therefore no legal base year

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