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National nitrogen balances for 2000 split into major input and output components

The country name followed by (EEA) indicates balances that have been calculated by the EEA on the basis of EU level data sets.

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Greenhouse gas emission targets of all EU-27 Member States, EU candidate and other EEA member countries for 2008-2012 relative to base-year emissions

Base-year emissions are determined in Initial reports, submitted in 2006 and undergoing UNFCCC review in 2007

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Contribution to total change in acidifying pollutant emissions for each sector and pollutant (EU-15)

Contribution to change plots show the contribution to the total emission change between 1990-2002 made by a specified sector/pollutant.

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Consumption of ozone depleting substances (EECCA), 1989-2000

CFC: ChloroFuoroCarbon, HCFC: HydroChloroFluoroCarbon, CTC: CarbonTetraChloride; MCF: MethylChloroForm

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Gaps between 2006 emissions and Kyoto targets, relative to base-year emissions

Countries are sorted by regional grouping (EU-15, EU-12, other EEA countries and Croatia) and ranked by gap between their 2006 emissions and their Kyoto target (without use of Kyoto mechanisms).

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NAO Index for the period 1823 - 2002 (see sub-indicator for seasonal values for the years 1993 - 2002)

The index is normalised to a mean value (December-March) over the whole period

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Trends in energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, excluding transport, 1990-2004

Emissions from transport were not reported separately by the Russian Federation, neither in their NC4, nor in their later 'greenhouse gas inventory' submission to the UNFCCC of January 2007

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Modelled number of people flooded across Europe's coastal areas in 1961-1990 and in the 2080s

The map shows the modelled number of people flooded across Europe's coastal areas

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