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DK-Copenhagen: support for agri-environmental analysis at the EEA
2006/S 206-218794
Section I: Contracting authority |
I.1) | Name, addresses and contact point(s): European Environment Agency, attn: Eugenia Brad, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K. Tel. (45) 33 36 71 06. Fax (45) 33 36 72 74. E-mail: |
Internet address(es): |
General address of the contracting authority (URL): |
I.2) | Type of contracting authority and main activity or activities: European institution/agency or international organisation. Environment. The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no. |
Section II: Object of the contract |
II.1) | Description | |
II.1.1) | Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Support for agri-environmental analysis at the EEA. |
II.1.2) | Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Services. Service category No 11. Main place of performance: contractor's premises. |
II.1.3) | The notice involves: The conclusion of a framework agreement. |
II.1.4) | Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Support the updating and extension to EU-25 (and/or the EEA member countries) of a selected number of agri-environmental indicators, with particular emphasis on gross nutrient balance (N + P), policy response information as well as water and biodiversity related indicators; support in identifying and compiling data on farm management practices of relevance to EEA projects (agri-water analysis, HNV farmland, Natura 2000, renewable energy, land use accounting); data input and analysis regarding environmentally compatible bioenergy/biofuel production on farmland; compilation and analysis of socio-economic data, including the implementation of the EU common agriculture policy and structural funds; help with the integration of geo-referenced biodiversity and other data, as far as needed in addition to in-house resources; general assistance with regard to analysis of relevant research literature, links to EU research projects, organisation of and participation in expert meetings and conferences (as far as needs arise). |
II.1.5) | Common procurement vocabulary: 73210000. |
II.1.6) | Contract covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): No. |
II.2) | Total final value of contract(s): Lowest offer: EUR 444,99/highest offer: EUR 902,50, excluding VAT. |
Section IV: Procedure |
IV.1) | Type of procedure: Open. |
IV.2.1) | Award criteria: The most economically advantageous tender in terms of: criteria; weighting: 1. expertise; 25; 2. approach; 25; 3. project management; 10; 4. understanding; 15; 5. price; 15; 6. environmental policy; 5. |
IV.2.2) | An electronic auction was used: No. |
IV.3) | Administrative information | |
IV.3.1) | File reference number attributed by the contracting authority: EEA/EAS/06/002. |
IV.3.2) | Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract: Prior information notice number in OJ: 2006/S 71-73749 of 12.4.2006. |
Section V: Award of contract |
Contract No: EEA/EAS/06/002 | ||
Title: Support for agri-environmental analysis at the EEA. | ||
V.1) | Date of contract award: 1.8.2006. |
V.2) | Number of offers received: 4. |
V.3) | Name and address of economic operator to whom the contract has been awarded: Fachhochschule Eberswalde, Fachbereich Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 28, D-16225 Eberswalde. Tel. (49-33 34) 65 73 07. Fax (49-33 34) 23 63 16. URL: |
V.4) | Information on value of contract: Total final value of the contract: Lowest offer: EUR 444,99/highest offer: EUR 902,50, excluding VAT. |
Section VI: Complementary information |
VI.1) | Contract related to a project and/or programme financed by Community funds: No. |
VI.4) | Date of dispatch of this notice: 17.10.2006. |
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